I think gas warfare is against the Geneva Convention. Edit: whoops misread that, of course I am reading this on my iPhone and i'm on a wine tasting trip on the Central Coast so it's understandable.
The "limitation" is in the fact that, in the above scenario, the mind-reading only works when combined with certain actions. It doesn't work without those actions. Therefore it's a limitation. The need to look in the person's eyes is another limitation imposed in the scenario in question. In my emotion-reading scenario, I only have to be able to see the person. I don't have to look them directly in the eye. Different scenarios, different criteria. Farting is not a super-power because most people can fart. The super-power would be to be able to not fart. I fart copiously. Something everybody can do is not a super-power. In Shakespeare's time there were minstrels who could fart tunes. As for flying in silence, I'd much prefer it. One of the things I love about my car is how quiet it is. I can floor it from a stop, hit 60 mph in roughly 4 seconds, all without making more noise than a quiet whrrrrr. When I do fly, I'm subjected to the very loud noise of the jet engines of the airplane I'm in, and it's no fun at all. Silence when flying would be delightful.
History's most evil supervillian tried to suppress it. Hitler Used Cocaine and Had Fart Problem, Medical Records Show | LiveScience
Trying to suppress your farts is definitely a bad idea. I say, let 'em out. Can we now compare anyone who tries to suppress their farts with Hitler without incurring Godwin's Law? (I.e.: The first person to invoke a comparison to Hitler loses the argument.)
LoL! Chuck LoL! Daniel you're much too serious. If you fart copiously offer your finger to a child, even one that is mad, sad or sick, you'll make them laugh! Now that's a super power!
Godwin's Law has been invoked, funny as that was, you are dismissed Chuck! Godwin probably never pulled his Uncles finger. How else could he have come up with such a depressing law?
Hitler opposed anyone using gas as a weapon - he was a victim of mustard gas in WWI and apparently this influenced him not to use it on the frontline. They must be really bad if even Hitler wouldn’t use them. This did not prevent him from using them in concentration camps...now it's going from funny to ghastly again.