Hello, Recently, my 2006 developed an AC problem while on a long trip. My dealer is unable to replicate/diagnose the problem. After 7 or 8 hours of interstate speed, we noticed that we were getting warm. The MFD indicated that the command temp for the AC was around 68 and the air coming from the vents was cold, however the air flow was far below normal with a high blower speed. The air was not being diverted to any other ports (defrost, feet, etc) - there was just not much air flow anywhere. We stopped at a rest stop and I pulled the glove box. I put the blower on max and could see that it was spinning like a demon, but there was little air flow. Proceeding on our trip, we tried various configurations, running the distribution through all of the possible options (again, defrost, feet, mixed, etc) and I also ran the temp up to switch over to heat. We cycled recirc and fresh. Nothing seemed to help when we returned to the AC AUTO setting, we still had high blower speeds with low air flow. We gave up, turned the AC off, switched to fresh air setting (from recirc) and cracked the windows. We ran like that for a couple of hours. On a whim after a brief stop, I tried the AC again, and it was working perfectly and remained so for the rest of our trip. We chose not to adjust anything and it seemed to work fine. This occurred again on our way home. The dealer had it for two days, drove it twice and pronounced that they could find nothing wrong. I initially suspected a problematic blend door (or recirc door) that was hanging up in the wrong position and we thought we had an unusual clicking sound once, but could not replicate it. Later I began to think that we might have a problem with a clogged condensate line and that the evaporator was icing over, however the service writer at the dealership didn't seem to think this was a possibility. He felt that there was sufficient room in the box to allow air flow around the evaporator that we would not notice a reduction in air flow if that occurred. After picking it up from the dealer, I did a short interstate trip, had no problems, and I did observe some condensate falling from the car once parked, however I don't have a clue what is normal for a Prius. It was substantially less than my pickup. The car performs beautifully around town and we'd taken trips as long as 5 hours in the past with no problems. We have just had our first wave of cold weather and I'm hoping that I may see some new/different symptoms w/ it in heat mode. We'll see. Anyone had anything like this? Ideas and suggestions welcome. Thanks,
Try this thread from 3prongpaul who does Prius repairs in Colorado and see if this helps. HVAC air control directional settings not working | PriusChat
Probably no maintenance has ever been done on the ac system. Here's the minimum: 1----Replace or check cabin filter monthly 2----At leas once a year have the evap box under the dash cleaned by injecting ac cleaner foam back up the condensate drip hose. Dealer sells the 2 can kit but and aftermarket can is available from Amazon called Kool it. Dealer charges $100 to do this. Keeps the evap coil clear and condensate hose from clogging and removes mold from the coil. A big problem for Prius that tends to get smelly from ac e-coil box mold. 3----The front ac condenser needs to be cleaned at least once a year. Remove the top plastic engine cover. You now have good access to the condenser. Hose it off. Using a can of pressurized foamy ac condenser cleaner available at Home Depot hose down the condenser with that cleaner. Let sit then rinse off. Gently scrub out any hardened dirt and bugs without damaging the fins. After good cleaning do close inspection looking for an fod damage to the fins. This alone will increase cooling efficiency about 20%. Basically the same stuff you should be doing to your home ac system.
jdcollins5 - Thanks for that video. I was able to crawl up and verify smooth operation of both the diverter control and the temp control. I could not visually see the fresh/recirc control, but could hear it. All seemed to be working well, although I did notice a hitch in the diverter control when it traveled in one direction. Now if it messes up again, I can at least crawl up under there and watch to see if things have changed. edthefox5 - Thanks for your advice. I'll check out the Kool It. Also, may I have permission to steal your ridiculously awesome signature line?
Your welcome! This is one of those cars that responds well to any attention you give her. Great little car. And please steal away....lol....
It sounds to me that your evaporator is freezing up--to the point of restricting air flow. When you turned it off for several hours, the ice melted, and it would work properly again. I'd start by checking for the proper amount of freon, and for proper drainage of condensed water from the evaporator.
00-00 - Thanks for echoing what has become my prevailing theory. Again, the service writer at the dealership was dismissive of this idea, but it really does make sense to me. I'm hoping the Kool It will resolve any drainage issues, if for no other reason that I have to run that tube up through the condensate drain line. If that fails, I'll put the gauges on it.
I would imagine the dealer checked this, but are the cooling fans working on the radiator/condenser assembly with the A/C on?
pbarber, usually the evaporator itself doesn't get "dirt clogged" (unless the cabin filter is removed to allow debris to enter), but there may be some accumulated debris around the drain hole, but I doubt that is the cause of your problem. The expansion valve "sprays" freon into the large area of the evaporator. The freon goes from a high pressure (before the expansion valve) to a low pressure (in evaporator). This process of lowering the freon pressure causes the temperature of the freon to drop accordingly. Blow air through the fins of the evaporator, and you have air conditioning. Something in your a/c system is either allowing or causing the freon in the evaporator to become so cold, that it is freezing the condensed water that is created from normal operation. You say that the air flow does return to normal. If so, that tells me that the evaporator is not clogged with debris. Hopefully someone, with a better knowledge of the operation of today's Prius, will be able to help us as to what specifically would allow the freezing in the evaporator.
No expert here. To me it sounds like the system simply froze up which the OP suspects. You might be a low on Freon. Gages would be necessary to confirm this. You can also check the sight glass in the system. I think the problem stems from running it at 68 in recirc mode. Even on the hottest day here in Texas I have never ran the system lower than 72 in either mode. At 68, it should be like a icebox in there if the system is running normally. If you have trouble again, get a reputable A/C guy who knows the Prius system to check it out. Prius is unique in a couple of areas on the A/C hence whoever does the work should be familiar with the system. Best of luck to you.
edthefox5 - Thanks so much for the tip on Kool It. I ran a can two weeks ago or so. Made a huge difference. Run off was definitely green and I was so pleased that the remaining scent was not too aggressive. I had turned the heat on once prior to using it and was greeted with that unmistakable "old car musty smell" that always seemed inevitable. Now I realize that it's not. After two weeks or so, the scent left by Kool It is pretty much gone (at least no one but me can smell it) and so is the mustiness. This will now be a routine maintenance action for me.
Glad I could help. The Kool It tip was from anther poster excellent find on Amazon. Very good to know the rubber hose interfaced good with the Prius drip hose. The dealer wants $25 plus tax for the 2 can kit. One can of that kit is worthless as its just really strong old lady perfume. How much was the Kool It please? I do mine once a year...its worth it just to keep the drip hose unclogged. For some odd reason it smells less and less as the car gets older after a few of these treatments. Now try the front condenser cleaner lol...that really makes a difference in how cold it gets especially with the car sitting. And here's your first like!
I used the Kool It on the Prius. I paid $11.97 for it from Amazon. I also found a product at Autozone that looks almost identical. It was about $1 cheaper. I plan to use it on my F150 which is now 14 (model) years old. I'll let you know how that goes if you like. I had to ask for it, however - I think they have a "pro" section in the back. It wasn't on display and was not packaged for retail. I'll look into the condenser cleaner, but the AC cools fine when the air blows! My first like - is that a Facebook thang?
A small comment on the above posts: no "Freon" in anything now. That was a trade name for R-12 refrigerant, phased out last century. Prius uses R-135a like the rest of the cars on the road.
$11.97 is excellent. I'm on that next go. The "like" is how we say we like the post for brevity. On the bottom right of the post is the word "Like" in blue. Click on that if you dig the post or if the poster has been helpful to you. On the left under your avatar in the profile you'll see "Likes Received" The one shown there is from me. Whoopee!
$10.99 at the moment for Kool-it at amazon, Amazon.com: Kool-It 96030 Evaporator and Heater Foam Cleaner: Automotive I also saw this one, Amazon.com: einszett 961105 Klima Cleaner Professional - 8.5 oz: Automotive . $15.50 for a larger bottle. Has a lot more reviews on amazon than the kool it. Locally, I found something called "CARQUEST Chemicals Odor-Out A/C Cleaner - Spray can with hose, which directs the cleaner deep into A/C vents, 8 oz can, sold by" for $6.49. That's all it says about it. I wonder how it compares to the other ones?