The left side of my tongue had swollen and reached the point where swallowing was iffy. Classic drug allergy symptoms, I drove down to the ER. It did not take long and I was in a bed getting peeked and prodded. I was expecting benydril IV, a nap, and back home again. Instead it was a three drug series. Epi in the Maximus; p- something IV; and then the last. Each IV med I could taste but the last one was rank. Then my vison went to 'TV static' and when it cleared there were five faces, I was flat on my back and; someone was calling my name. It seems my heart stopped for six seconds; took another beat and stopped for another six seconds. I don't know as I had passed out. By the time I came back, well this apparently woke everyone up. Since I am typing this note, I did get better. But if your heart is going to take a break, being in an ER is one of the better places . . . Even if they were treating something else. So a couple of hours of sweats and extreme weakness, shock, and I then rapidly got better. They are going to hold me in the cardiac floor and check some labs. So I get a day off. It could be worse. Bob Wilson Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
Hope it turns out OK! (No Cardio problems) How is the paperwork going for the ACA thing??? No. I'm not bating you, I have some self-employed friends who are getting shanked out of their coverage and I'm curious about coverages and costs. I didn't want to probe too deeply into their personal finances, and I'm just gathering data. I've got union coverage (for now) and as much as the costs are going up......I'm still nowhere close to considering the ACA. Just curious about costs now versus projected costs. don't have anything else to do....right? Good Luck Marine!
Good luck on your recovery Bob. Like you said it was mighty fortunate you were in the ER when this happened.
Good luck, Bob! I hope you get better soon and it does not recur. Glad you were in the ER when it happened. Getting old is no fun.
I too gave up on the ACA site and requested the forms that arrived a week ago. But then they put up the 1-800 number and I used it. My application is in so I'm waiting in the offer package. Meanwhile, the corporate package my coworkers received has yet to arrive. It is this kind of Mickey Mouse over the years that is leading me to ACA. Bob Wilson Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
^BTDT. The company that I used to work for got bought out by SAIC, which is what led me into the warm loving embrace of Big Bell. So far our coverage is pretty dang decent, but I'm dubious about the next contract and I'm hearing drums deep in the jungle that indicate that my job might be either contracted out or transmorgified into a "management" position. I'm thinking that I can leg it out until Tricare or the ACA sucks less than private coverage - but I'm healthy (so far) so I can afford do stare-and-compares for a bit longer. Good Luck with the hospital stay! Leave the nurses alone, and don't worry!!! can't kill bad grass!
Get well Bob! I have to vote soon in VA and I was sure you are very interested in that as an alumni. Wish me luck...I wish you luck!!! PS- At one point I nominated ETC(SS) for Governor, which is why his job description says "Former Gubnatorial Candidate"
Bummer, but glad you are recovering. My new wife has one of those employer insurance policies that deserves to die: low premiums & co-pays, but a MAX of $15K per year in benefits. That's less than a day in the ICU. She's now enrolled as a member on my policy.
Note to self: power-on reset for Prius -> good technique to clear codes power-on reset for Heart -> bad technique, make a CODE Bob Wilson
I'm glad Bob is still with us. He is a very valued resource here. Witnessing but not recognizing a mild heart attack in my dad while he was under my care was, in hindsight, quite scary. ['mild' = it took six weeks before an old ER doc recognized what it really was, the rest of us and two younger docs didn't.] I started my application process (through my state's website, not the federal one) on Opening Morning, and finally surmounted the last of many roadblocks to reach successful completion on Day 23. But it took until Day 30 for the support center to finally got back with answers to the last of my queries for assistance, which by then had been long resolved through other channels. Right now, I'm quite frosted by that PR lie 'If you like you health plan, you can keep it'. It ranks right up there with 'Read my lips, no new taxes', 'I never had sexual relations with that woman', and 'Mission Accomplished'.
Not penicillin as I've been allergic to it since 1962, belt-line hives. Now that I'm back home, I'll be posting a more detailed description of the two days in the hospital and a syndrome my father had and was discovered I had on Tuesday morning in the ER. Like I said, if your going to have your heart stop, it is best to do it in the ER. Bob Wilson
Wait, I'm trying to understand what happened. You had a drug reaction, went to ER, got another drug and almost died? They say, if doctors go on strike, less people die. I believe it, has been scientifically proven.
I recall my uncle many decades ago having a mild heart attack. I believe he was early 60's border line obese with high cholesterol and mild hypertension. He meet with a cardiologist who basically created a cardiac recovery program including lose weight, exercise daily with long walks , eat right to lower meat and increase veggies, throttle back on work and take some medicine to lower cholesterol and blood pressure , quit smoking, drink less just red wine one glass a day etc. He made a big change in his life and lived another 25 years. He got a build in swimming pool to exercise and joined a support group to keep him on plan. For many this can be a wake up call to make positive change.