Hey guys, I've been out of the loop for a while. I have a 2010 Gen III Prius and was thinking of upgrading my headlights to the new LED Daytime Running Lights that the new models bring. Would the dealer be able upgrade them for me? Is my Prius compatible? Have any of you done it? Thanks in advanced. Freddy
Yes it's possible. I have done that upgrade on my prius. You need the new style 2012/2013 bumper, R&L signal/DRL lights, upper/lower grill and the absorber foam.
Hi there. Or is it possible to convert the foglight a to DRL with led bulbs fitted instead? Perhaps this would be a lower cost option.. Has anyone done this?
Buy your favorite CREE bulbs.....If wanted the DRL dimmed function, then to buy one of those DRL relay. Agreed w/Juzcymru this much lower cost option.
That's a really good question. I never use my fog lights. DRL's would be a much better option to have.
Finding LEDs bright enough to be used as DRLs during the day will be a challenge. That's why I was using modified 35W H8 yellow halogen bulbs. Lower watts, less heat in relatively small foglight housing, during hot daytime use. You just need to modify one of the mounting tabs on the H8 bulb to mount it in the H11 socket: I used a dremel rotary tool with a grinding attachment to shape the tab, but I've heard of people using small tin snips to cut the tab. The 35w output of the H8 bulbs were plenty bright for DRL visibility. Here's a pic taken in full noon sun in Hawaii: SCH-I535
Great - has anyone had any problems with the lED fog lights overheating? Also feri do you just leave your fog lights on or have you wired them differently so they're always on? There are some cars in the uk that have DRL where the fog would be (skoda) and it looks good I think. Nice and bright.
I just leave them on. They put out less heat than the halogens. I did run HIDs for a few thousand Kms without ill effects but took them out when water got into the relays I used.