I have gotten some numbers on trade of $6000 to $8500 on a new Prius V (more on a 2013). My car has just turned over 90,000 miles and has the balance of a 8yr/125,000 factory warranty (18months left). I show the dealers my transferable warranty and they could care less- " we want to sell them one of our after market warranties", is the answer I got from one dealer= big $$. What do you suggest? I would think my trade would be worth more with a factory warranty.
What you think is important matters little, a dealer knows what's valuable to them in reselling the car. If they think it'll make selling it easier or, more importantly, bring them more money, they might give you more in trade. Otherwise, it's not of value to them. FWIW, I just bought an '07 Touring with 112K for $10K. That was actually just under KBB and I got KBB trade in on my Saturn Outlook, but it took some negotiating. I'd do your research on the KBB and NADA trade in values as well as a fair price to pay for the V. Tell them you'll pay $X for the Prius V if you get $Y for your trade. Be fair on your numbers, tell them you know it's fair and assure them that you're a buyer if they meet your price. Then hold firm, even as they make other offers. If your deal is fair, they should make it eventually. That's what I did and the dealer came up $2K on my trade and I got the deal. BTW - Is the 8/125 the battery warranty or did you purchase an extended warranty?
it's a full Toyota extended warranty extension- I know dealers mentality-- I get letters every few months from two dealers-" we need your prius, we refuse to buy them at auction, because the northern flood cars are there- help, help." And then you walk in and they want to give you the same black book price (auction) for thecrappy cars they refuse to buy at the auction- plus, I deliver it to them- no dealer cost to have a driver bring it back to the dealer.-Also, it's under warranty= no disappointments from un repaired big ticket items.- they can offer it as a certified used car, too.
Hmm, it's the gray hair- at 63, they think I have lost my edge--- and my pet possum in the passenger seat.
I haven't suffered much depreciation on my 07- purchased from a small dealer in April-2010 for $13,000 with 35,000 on the odometer and one month left on the warranty. I wasted no time buying the extension from Greenfield Toyota in , MA.
My banks website shows $6,200 to 7,900 on a trade in. $ 10,000 for retail price to consumer. Plus that after market warranty, the dealer "prep" fees, etc..
I just received a $5000 trade in offer from AutoNation when I took my car in for evaluation- they were flummoxed when I informed them I got an offer in the mail from their dealer for $7700 six weeks ago-I am going though the AAA buying service, so I will let this churn around until they decide what the real number is. I have managed to find the Prius V three I want- without Toyoguard. Last month I got an $8000 trade offer going through Chrysler on a below invoice car deal ( my retiree discount)- so I know they are sand bagging me at Toyota. I may have to wait them out, maybe until near Thanksgiving when the sales department is more hungry to meet their quota.
Information is your friend. Go to kbb.com and get a trade in estimate, do the same at nadaguides.com. That'll get you close. A quick look here, not knowing your zip code, shows trade in at $6,500-$7,800 for 'good condition' checking packages 1-4. Excellent tops out at $8,500. Be honest about it's condition, know what it's worth and stick to it. if you tell them you know it's worth $X according to both KBB & NADA, I think that helps. They know you've done your homework and you're not just assuming it's worth more. Of course, none of that matters if the dealer doesn't think they can make money on it after the trade at that price. Alternatively, sell it yourself on Craigslist, eBay or Autotrader. C/L is free and eBay is free until you sell. It's a hassle, but you'll get even more than trade in and those buyers are likely to appreciate your warranty.
"Of course, none of that matters if the dealer doesn't think they can make money on it after the trade at that price."- right you are-- The problem is Toyota used cars has 10 used Prii on the lot-- the Chrysler dealer has Zero
Another option is to get a buy quote from CarMax. I did on my Outlook. It was under KBB, but over everyone else's initial offer. Wasn't enough to pay off my loan so I passed. They'll buy whether you are buying from them or not.
I have just learned from a dealer 200 miles away that a used Toyota with under 90,000 miles can be cleaned up and sold as is- cars with over 90,000 miles have be inspected (Toyota checklist) and repaired and sold as certified used cars. Since my car now has over 90,000 miles, they would rather wholesale it to a used car lot for the highest bid. He also told me to shop at the end of the month- if a dealer was short of his national sales quota by even one car, they could lose $50,000 or more in bonus money-- so they are willing to do a few deals at a net loss in order to secure that big bonus check. "How much loss?" I asked him. "$2500 on a Prius V is possible" he said.
Someone on the forum might buy it from you somewhere between trade in and full retail. What option package do you have?
Gone now- adieu, adios, I walked into my local Dodge dealer today and they made me a deal I couldn't refuse- I got a new 2014 minivan with my employee/retiree discount, 4% below dealer invoice price, $500 rebate and another $500 from the dealer from his holdback/incentive money. $8000 trade in ( max black book). I paid only a $75 dealer document fee - final out the door financed was $11,702 and my payments on 6 years was $177/mo. I wrestled with Toyota for two weeks and the numbers just wouldn't work for me-- The Prius V had a problem that kept bugging me- that single drink cup holder with the chrome ring- my 2nd gen has two of them . The console has plenty of room for two- other Toyotas have two. It's almost like they had a perverse desire to screw us. I will cash in the balance of my 8 yr warranty and apply it to a Dodge lifetime warranty, just like we purchase for our Fiat 500.