hi all, owner of a 2013 C2 - bought in july & loving it. one major gripe, though: no dome light. does that bother anyone else? and does the C3 have a dome light? given the dark interior, i'm losing all sorts of things in that back seat - especially with a 3-year-old strapped in back there (haven't lost her yet, though). i have been looking on the mod forum, and i'm noticing threads concerning lighting mods. so what are y'all's experiences? and has anyone found a solution to that black hole?
no prius c's have dome lights unfortunately.... it drives me crazy too there's been different ideas on this forum - one guy actually installed a second dome light.
Hi ayres, Replace the existing bulbs in your map lights with LED's and you will see a noticeable difference in the amount of light you will have; it's one of the best things I have done to my C. Check out this post, lots of great info: My Prius C HID and LED installation adventure thread!! (lots of Pics!) | PriusChat
Phil, You can get them just about anywhere, but I use these guys; Super Bright Car LED Lights, LED Bulbs, Halo Headlights, LED Tail Lights Great service, and fast shipping. You can find them cheaper on amazon, but I have had some issues with quality. I use these in the xenon white; 168 194 2825 2W High Power LED Bulbs For License Plate, Interior Lights I have replaced the parking lights front and rear; 5-SMD 168 194 LED Bulbs For Car Interior Lights, License Plate Lights, the dome lights, the cargo light, and the license plate lights. For the license plate lights make sure you get the LED bulbs that are no longer than 1" in height or they wont fit;Super Bright 8-SMD T10 168 194 2825 LED Bulbs For Parking Lights. For the cargo area, MAKE SURE you unplug the the light before you remove and replace the bulb.
Alizad: I removed the dome light unit from the roof of the Prius C. Question: In order to remove the lights for changing, do you pull the lights out from the back of the unit or do you separate the clear front cover from the fixture and pull the bulbs out from the front? To remove and replace the bulbs, do you pull them straight out, or do you twist and turn, then pull them out. To remover the clear plastic cover fron the front, do you unsnap another 6 small holding points on the back of the unit, like the ones that held the unit in the roof of the car? In short, I got the lighting unit out of the roof ok. I need a description how to remove and insert the new bulbs...
Phil, All you need to do is pop the clear plastic lens off the front of the unit--this can be done without removing the entire unit-- then you can simply pull the old bulbs out and pop in the new ones. The cover is a bit stubborn. There are small indentations between the clear cover and the housing, those are the points were it snaps off. Also, if your LED bulbs don't light-up the first time, pull them out, and turn them 180 degrees; some bulbs are designed this way. Good Luck.
Alilzad: Thanks for your quick reply. I am sorry for writing your name with one l. I write it with 2 but when I post the tread, my spell checker takes one l out of your name. When I first removed the unit using the screw driver, the whole unit came out of the roof. The 6 points that hold the front lens cover are attached inside the back of the unit. I see them and after your last post I am sure I can remove them from the lens cover now. I understand from your last post they just pull straight out from the front panel. Note: I purchased 10 168- 194 2825 2W high power LED from Jtek on AMAZON.COM for $7.98 including shipping. The bulbs were $2.99 plus the shipping. 10 bulbs should last a long time. I do not think I will make any other bulb replacements. The dim dome lights I really disliked. At night it is impossible to read anything in the car. Thanks for telling me the possible 180 degree rotation if they do not light up!
No worries about the name. I hope you have got your new bulbs in and are now enjoying the nice, bright light. By the way, with some LED's there may be a very small bit of flickering (almost un-noticeable) when the lights fade on and fade off, it's normal.
LEDs in the overhead lights make a BIG difference. Behaves just like a dome light, I don't see much of a difference now that they are brighter.
Alilzad: My installation of the Xenon white lights was 100 % successful. No problems! I did not break any plastic pins holding the clear dome cover in place. I like the blue-white color. I do not know if your Prius 3 has a blue-grey interior like my Prius 2. The color of the lights matches the color interior perfectly! Thanks again for your help and staying with me until the project was done...
Phil, You are very welcome. Everyone on this site is extremely helpful; what I shared with you, I learned here. And yes, I have the same interior and I absolutely love the blue/white light. Here's to your next mod.
I'm planning to replacing the my rear cargo lamp in my Prius C. However, I read somewhere that I should disconnect the housing first before replacing the light. Which piece is is the housing and how should I disconnect it? Thanks
Hi jocooljocool, Simply pull the cargo light out and unplug it. It has a small basic plug that just pull apart. After it is unplugged, you can change the bulb. Look in the owners manual for additional help. Good luck.