I don't know how long it will be up. WHIOTV.com go to video on demand. They have it all except they truncated where the trooper finally gets his gun out and shoots the guy in the head. My computer will not do audio so I haven't heard, only seen. Gives me the heebee jeebees. I stop lots of cars in the dark, by myself......
I saw the video on Cincinnati TV this evening - very scary. You and your colleagues are in my prayers. BTW - I may run into you (hopefully not professionally ) - My new job has me in Kettering about one day per week now.
Does anyone have the actual URL of the video? Their player flash nonsense *totally* doesn't work. . _H*
They cut off the last mement whe nthe trooper was finally able to get his own gun and shoot the guy in the head. Too violent to see, ya know!!!
oic... seen a lot worse before but i guess that is no excuse to allow it now. i notice that the sound was muted after the struggle started.
Schmika, When a cadet is trained on gun handling and use, are they taught to wound in an attempt to disarm first (hand, leg)? Or are they taught that, once the decision is made to pull a gun out of a holster, to always shoot to kill (head, chest)? Both my dad and my ex-husband told me if I ever made the decision to pull a gun out, I better be prepared to "fire with deadly intent". That's the main reason I don't own any firearms. I don't think I could live with anything like that, even if it came down to a question of them or me. Other things I've been able to debate through. If someone were threatening a relative or a child or elderly person in my presense, I'd pick up whatever was handy and figure out the swiftest way to inflict the most damage. Silently.
wow... kinda too bad they cut the tape.. the mic seems wireless.. so struggling might have messed it up.. or it's more covered? you can still hear body movement though.. i'm using bose triports.. but i suspect the media probably cut all of that.. that's the bad thing about our media.. always "protecting" us from real content.. they suck in my opinion. the truth is better seen.
I'm not sure about in the US, but as far as Canadian cops go, there is no "shooting to wound or disable". Cops here are only permitted to fire their weapon if their own life, or the life of another person is in immediate danger - and in that case, they're shooting for maximum effect (which is to say, a shot in the centre-mass of the person's body which has the highest probability of a hit). Granted, a centre-mass shot might be lethal, but if the alternative of an attempt to wound could result in the criminal harming/killing someone, they have no choice. Dave
I really have to double check myself sometimes and usually do my best to remain Politically Correct and sensitive and not sound harsh, but . . . THE GUY GOT WHAT HE DESERVED! I hope everything is OK with the Officer. I can't image what it is like in close quarters to put a gun to a mans head and pull the trigger. You guys simultaneously hold the Worst and Best job in the world. Thanks, my prayers are with you. Wildkow p.s. To whom ever asked the question the Police are trained to "Shoot to Kill" and it usually involves a "double tap" on the trigger. At times they save the over burdened tax-payer a lot of money. At great cost to themselves I might add.
I just hope the family of the deceased doesn't try to take on the system and continue to burden the tax-payer through a lawsuit. This is unfortunate indeed.
Schmika works in Kettering Ohio which is a suburb of Dayton. Here's a different station's video footage: WCPO coverage
Yes, once the decision to use a gun is made, we shoot to STOP...of course the best way to stop is in a deadly area. This is NOT a game.