President Bush will visit Johnson Controls' new hybrid battery laboratory in Glendale on Monday and then deliver a speech on energy policy at the company's offices in downtown Milwaukee. . . . The company, which opened the $8 million lithium-ion hybrid battery laboratory last fall, is part of a consortium using Energy Department research dollars to develop a longer-lasting, more efficient hybrid car battery. . . . Johnson Controls hopes to develop batteries that can last for the life of a car, longer than current hybrid batteries. Hybrid cars alternate between gasoline engines and battery power. See complete news article here: Energy will be focus of Bush visit.
It will be interesting to see if there is a policy switch. So far admin. policy has been for research only, nothing for production promised except perhaps for nuclear plants. That seems to be the mode. They're still "researching" global warming. Too bad we couldn't tap the hot air coming out of DC as an energy resource. But perhaps once the cost of the scrubbers required to cleaan out the BS were factored in, it would be a net loss.
Well, AFAICS not too much substance at this media event. The massive SUV tax subsidy is still in force. The lab he used as a backdrop has just laid off 32 employees. So far it's just another "Rove-ing" marketing plan to make it look like the administration is doing something. In the meatime they're proposing to pull all funding for the EnergyStar program which is one of the most successful energy conservation program going.
Well golly gee. The Bush administration suddenly restored the budget to the lab just before going to tour it. CNN Article
Only $5 million of the $28 million they really need. So the project is still stunted. Interestingly, the funding is actually appropriated by Congress, the Administration is sitting on the funding. If this is Bush's "Full Support" of alternate energy sources, we need a new president. Lisa
We dont need to support failing companies with taxpayers dollars....if its a viable business then it will survive or fail on its merits.
on a side note: Did you know his GW's brother, Jeb, owns a hybrid?....true - I correspond via email with someone on his staff. Maybe he's sticking a bug in GW's ear!
In the news coverage of Bush's visit to Milwaukee, the radio broadcast a snipitt (sp?) of his speech. Glad to know he understands hybrid cars so well :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, it is a LOT less than we gave GM to rescue them. So I fail to see you logic. This is new technology, some thing this government has supported in the past. It is why we used to be leaders in new technologies rather than followers. Any time we fail to support the bleeding edge, we fall behind. By that definition you'd best get back to snail mail. This technology of using the internet should not exist. It only exists because of government funding. It has only gotten fully commercial very recently, after many goverment systems (both here and abroad) proved that it could be commercially viable. Private money was real late in joining the $$ pool. I go WAY back, almost to @!. [email protected] (you couldn't get .com for a family unless .org was already in use, so we bleeding edgers got .org *sigh*)
ok....A fair fight is what you want? so all competitors have an equal chance? In this corner, weighing 180 lbs is Joe BioFuel......AND, in the other corner, weighing 500,000,000 lbs is Frankie Exxon!!! Joey Biofuel put himself through college and works on his dad's farm. He's a true homegrown kid. Everything he has he got himself. Frankie Exxon has been given huge tax incentives and a hand in writing legislation to limit any threats to his monopoly or adversely affect his manipulation and destruction of the environment. He's managed to stiffle debate on global warming and has yet to pay for the mess he made in Prince William Sound. AND, not only that.... last year, Frankie grossed the highest corporate profits in US history. He visits regularly with the president and vice president, and owns the Congressional delegation from Alaska and several other states, and some whole countries. He has a big hand in the Middle East and is actively involved in destroying the planet to increase his profit margins even more. He's the champion of oil-overweight America. In short, he's unstoppable as long as his fans are addicted. Fair? no, I think not.
Its not a company they are talking about. It is the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. It does government funded research on renewable energy. You can debate the merits of that as you wish, but Bush just cut a net $23 million out of their budget while at the same tuime telling us we need to do something to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. Actions speak louder than words....
Pulled the plug on the EPA EnergyStar program too, in spite of it being one of the most successful conservation programs out there. How many of you have used that to determine your last/next appliance? I know I use that program a lot.
I didn't realize he killed energystar. I always used that program as the basis for my appliance purchases, it was great. GW is such a hypocrital nice person its just hard to beleive....