Most states in the U.S. revert from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time this morning. If you live in such a state, don't forget to set your clocks back an hour. "Spring forward, fall back." I've always thought this was an incredibly stupid idea. The sun shines for exactly as many seconds whether you set local noon at 12:00 or at 1:00. (Offset, of course, for your position within your time zone.) If you live in one of the few states that does not use Daylight Savings Time, you may ignore this post.
I read somewhere a recommendation to have only 2 time zones in the US to avoid jet lag and such. Wonder how that would work out?
I have suggested in the past that there should be just one time for the entire planet, based on sidereal time, rather than solar time. The sun would be at its zenith just once a year for any given location. Since we are essentially diurnal creatures, we'd have to constantly adjust our work and sleep hours. There would be one more day in the year, I think (or one less??? but I think it would be one more). Nobody'd ever know when to go to bed, but you wouldn't need separate clocks for different cities around the world.
That probably came from someone who is more concerned about business convenience than human health. And for those of us whose bodies are linked to solar time, regardless of what the clock says, it wouldn't do squat to reduce jet lag.
My Sony under-cabinet kitchen clock/radio/CD player has a nifty DST button that toggles the time forward or back an hour. Unfortunately, it must have been set wrong during the last power outage, as it moved the time forward an hour on Saturday. I happened to return to bed at 2:00 AM on Sunday morning and saw both my cell phone and cable box change from 1:59 to 1:00. That was a first for me.
Thanks again D. Made it to church on time and it was agreat message. My other post was removed for some reason....
My computer, iPad, iTouch, and cell phone all set themselves. However, my three desk clocks (office room, bedroom, and living room) as well as my stove and microwave still have to be set manually. Surprisingly, the clock in my car has to be set manually. I bet the Model S does it automatically, but that's one detail they didn't get in the Roadster. Or maybe I just have not found the toggle for Use DST. The office and living room clocks are battery operated, so if there's a power outage they still show the right time. I guess the cell phone and computer and iPad and iTouch would also, but the desk clocks are right there where I can glance at them without turning anything on.