They used too but now they don't. They do come on if I lock the car and then use the fob to manually unlock the car or touch the door handle. I have tried my other fob and it still won't work. It was always fine until today, other than a fuse is there something that accidentally got turned off? Is a trip to my stealer in my future? Thanks to everyone in advance, ES44AC
Maybe your fob battery is getting weak? The SKS fob batteries needed to be changed at 2 years on my Camry. SCH-I535
This is a dealer changeable setting (or user if you have an interface and software). Perhaps the setting was changed due to computer error.
Yes I tried it with the doors locked and still no response to the SKS being near the car. I just find it hard to believe that both the fobs have low batteries one of the 2 I have was never used. I'll check with a voltmeter and see. Thanks ES44AC
Believe it or now, its working now with the doors locked. The battery voltage is a bit under 3vdc So I will replace the battery and see what happens. But again, right now it's working as it did B 4. Don't ask me why! Thanks
Great to hear it is working. Mine was doing odd things too and I replaced the battery... all is well.