Here is a mundane topic for sure. I am having a devil of a time finding a decent trash recepticle for my 05 Prius. I have an older trash recepticle with two sand bags on the side that sits in front of the cup holder unit. Unfortunately, the hump is too wide and so it has a tendency to flip over on turns etc. Toytoa service departments do not seem to sell anything any better;neither do my local car washes nor Manny, Moe and Jack. All suggestions are welcome! Ted
What!?!? The 2006 Prius package #8 comes with a large bench of leather trash recepticles in the back of your vehicle! j/k - I too am interested in any find by someone. Trash is always a problem in vehicles.
I can't remember who but someone ran two bungee cords on either side of the hump to use it as a handbag holder. You could use that idea to hold your trash recepticle.
We recently went on a Hawaiian vacation, about a month after getting our Prius. My wife found this small container that we now use as a trash can in the Prius. Imagine those cream colored hampers: [Broken External Image]: but about 8 inches high. The mouth is about 6x6 inches, and I have it sitting on the left side of the floor of the passenger's seat. I also have a Vons plastic bag as a liner. I haven't seen this product on the web yet, but then again, I was not searching for it. It's just one of those things that was in those swapmeet-like stores that fits our need.
I had a nice black vinyl trash pouch, not too big, maybe about 9"h x 7"w that I attached with velcro in my Subaru. It looks like the center bump, in front of the cup holders would be a perfect place to attach to, but now I can find a new pouch . If anyone sees one, please let me know.
Err...Foxy has no trash receptacles because she wasn't designed to store trash. We keep a small plastic grocery bag in one of the cup holders and use it on the rare occasions we generate bits of trash while travelling. The bag gets tossed once we arrive at our destination or get back home. Dan's doc asked him to reduce his intake of caffeine and sodium. Excellent decaf. coffee, made using fresh ground beans, is poured into a metal travel mug and sipped during his morning commute. We take water in reusable Nalgene bottles, 1/2 and full quart sizes for the road. Neither driver drinks soda (unless it's tonic with gin or rum!). Sometimes we'll drink a juice but not on the road. Meals are consumed during stops, outside the car.
There never will be any coffee drunk in my Prius! Water OK, but it's like the state parks with anything brought in.. "Carry in, Carry Out"! Of course, I'll see how long this lasts.. After all, it's only been a week++
I'm an allergy sufferer, and my center hump has my kleenex. Better in the trash than on the floor. But my two kids will never be able to eat in the car
I can respect that. My interior color is "Mocha." That made it easier to justify drinking my mochas in it.
We've taken to lining the drawer that pulls out from the center "hump" with a plastic bag. Works pretty well, if you don't have anything else in there.
The wife uses a lunch bag sized paper bag in the middle console for her trash bag placement. Small items only though. Cheers, Mi3ke
I have the little trash can with the sandbags and haven't had any problems. If I did...I'd just buy some velcro tape and stick the hook side on the bags so it would grip the carpet.
In my last couple cars I got in the habit of putting trash (nothing sticky or wet) into the door bin. I try to take it out "promptly" but I do have a place to put garbage! I'm doing this in my Prius now and works fine.
I never had a trash bag in my Corolla and never needed one. I empty out my car every day, if anything accumulates. When my child was a baby, the car seat technicians and our parent/infant instructor pretty much freaked me out about leaving stuff in the car. In the event of an accident, these seemingly small and innocent items (and the bigger, more obvious items) become projectiles and can do more harm to passengers than the actual crash. There were some extreme stories shared and I resolved to not keep any of these potential hazards in my vehicle. Whether it was true or not, I decided it was prudent advice. DH, on the other hand, never had a trash bag in his Sunfire and had to literally clean it out before I could sit down. When he replaced the Sunfire with a new Camry, he put in a plastic grocery bag and keeps the Camry clean and neat. He hangs it off the gear selector in the middle and lets the bag drape over the passenger side. For now, I drive the Prius and it is trash free. I treat it like a campsite. What goes in must come out...with each entry/exit. When DH drives the Prius, I am not sure what we will do. There are no obvious spots for a grocery bag or trash can. I have a clean empty grocery bag in the center console for him to use, if need be, but he doesn't find that suitable long-term. I mentioned the drawer, but he didn't like that idea. I am finding my purse or camera bag or whatever I am using that day is flying around the front floor space too much for my liking. I tried having my purse in the hatch area, but the car wouldn't start with the fob back there. I'll be checking out this thread for ideas!