Under direct sunlight, from above, my solar panel looks spotted (see pic below). It's only at certain angles and if I had to guess, it's a manufacturer defect in the glass or glass coating. Need I worry?
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There was a conversation somewhere here when I was shopping about some early 2010's having a weak seal that allowed moisture between the glass and solar panel. The moisture eventually caused corrosion and failure of the solar roof that weren't noticed till out of warranty. I assume you have tried cleaning & insured they are on the inside of the glass. I'd have your dealer note it for just in case down the road.
This really doesn't seem or look like moisture though. More like some sort of coating defect or something. Moisture would look like mist/fog.
Those panels are made from a sandwich of materials. Those defects could easily be in/on a lower layer that has no impact on the function of the panel. Even so, its clearly a defect in materials or workmanship, and so might be replaced under warranty. I'd get it documented at the dealer and see what you can get done.
I suppose it should try. I'm sure they're going to say it's only cosmetic, the panel works fine so there is nothing they can do.
That's when you get the district rep involved. The dealer knows nothing about it, or whether its something that might eventually cause failure. I'd look at it this way: would you accept that sort of defect in the car's finish or windows? IOW, being "only cosmetic" isn't a reason to deny your claim.
Most solar cells are based on photovoltaic technology and are made up of silicon semiconductors. Those look like silicon on the solar cells, and not on the glass. If your solar vent works fine in bright sunlight, there should be no problems. Here is some info on how silicon cells work: Link Photos of other cells: Link -Zed
Yeah, looking at it closely, although it's difficult to tell, the spots do appear to be under the vertical lines on the actual solar cells themselves. Almost exactly like the pics you link to. I think I'm resting easier now.
On close examination, my roof has the iridescent "spots" too, although they don't look to be as big as photo. The roof works with no problems. Love it! I will have to look at other solar roofs as I see them.