Toyota corporate left a message on my phone to call them regarding my questions. When I get a chance, I'll call back.
Ask if there is a high performance tune available from TRD. Something to unleash more of that electric motor torque that the current econo tune holds back. Mike ;-) Mobile on my SGH-i717
The system can go up to 650V in any mode, if the vehicle determines it needs the extra boost. This is also true of the Gen II, but not the Gen I and that's why the I has the turtle light. I brought up how Lexus limits the voltage to 500V, but when the sport button is pressed, it's maxed to 65oV. He did not know that because Lexus engineering is seperate, but he found it interesting and will look into it. With the Prius v, when the power button is pressed, the steering response and VSC is changed to give the car a more sporty feel.
What they told me is there in post #49., the extra boost come on whenever the car determines it needs it and in any mode.
Another thing that was interesting was that even though the Car is a Gen III, Toyota still considers the drivetrain Gen II.
They told me the Prius is about saving fuel and it has all the performance they're going to put into it. I also asked about a further EV driving range for the PiP and they said they're not going to make the battery any bigger than it is any time in the near future.
That sucks Hope the aftermarket catches on with Hybrid Performance and the Prius software is cracked. I'd be first in line to get a flash Mike
I find that I prefer power mode for the hair trigger response of the accelerator. I wish I didn't have to engage it every time I start the car. Is there a way to make it default to this mode?
For the acceleration, I guess I'll record and graph the accelerometer data from my Android in each of the modes from a stop. It will be interesting to see the ramp up in acceleration from each of the modes. I believe the app I have records the data to a 20 ms interval which should be sufficient for our needs. Also, it will be interesting to compare the acceleration characteristics of my wife's 3.5L Sienna with its 5 speed auto. Although it take 7 seconds or so to get to 60 mph, I would still rather a fast 0-20 launch of my Prius in PWR mode any day. I feel to do the same in the Sienna, that I'm shortening the engine life far more.