Here is my choice New prius C II 2013 $19,400 0% interest for 60 months Used insight ex 2011 $13,650 18K miles 7% interest.. this does not have blue tooth. Which one should I get?
From a purely financial standpoint, the Insight is a better deal. The average 2011 Insight on Fuelly gets about 45MPG, Prius C is about 50MPG. Lets say you save $5000 by buying the Insight after all is said and done (you would probably save more because of taxes). With gas at $4 a gallon (which makes the payoff time come quicker), you would have to drive over 500k miles before the Prius C would be cheaper. I don't know which is the better car for you. The C has a good record, and I haven't heard anything particularly bad about the 2nd Gen Insight. Would you rather have a longer remaining warranty? Which do you like to drive better? Which meets your people and cargo needs best?
Definitely the Prius C!I tried the Insight before purchasing my Prius, better MPG's and I think better all around versatility with the Prius. I've owned several cars from each brand and each has it's strengths but when I drove the Prius I just knew it was the right car for me.
Keep in mind the 7% vs 0%. There is roughly $60 a month difference in the payment between the two cars. You should also be able to get about another $500 off the Prius C 2. If it were me, I'd considering warranty, monthly payment, and value of the car at the end of say 5 years. The insight is already 3 going on 4 years old and has 18k miles. What will it be worth in 5yr compared to the C? Good luck in whatever you do! C
What I don't get is how the heck can the used auto loan apr be 7% for the used Insight? when you're just borrowing at most $15k? I've done my fair share of used auto loan hunting before and been offered up to $20k or so with 5% at most... So with that said, what makes you think you'll qualify beforehand for the 0% apr on the prius c atm (hopefully you already know your credit score and all that nice stuff about yourself, b/c I'm sure Toyota would probably only pre-qualify people with 700+ or w/e credit score for their 0% APR offer) if whatever bank you're trying to get a loan from is jipping you at 7% APR on a used auto loan for at most $15k borrowed (it's just not all adding up)??? But with that all said, I'm pretty pretty pretty sure if you think you can qualify for the 0% APR for the prius C, then I'M SURE YOU CAN DO WAY BETTER THAN 7% APR on the Insight...sooo If you can drop that used auto loan APR to around 2-3% APR, then go for it, but if not, and you do qualify for the 0% APR from Toyota then I'd say go with a new car. $60 difference in payment a month might not be much, but just do the math and you'd be paying over $3,500+ the life of the loan free to the bank for something that is older and is not king in the MPG category. That would pretty much mean once you pay off the Insight, you're looking at almost the price of the Prius C... Also the piece of mind that comes with a new car is so much better than paying a few hundred less in auto tax/documents, and as said above, so far only good things have been said about the prius C's reliability, etc, etc, and the bluetooth is pretty nice too (as you seem to favor in your post).
$500 off Prius C2 ? how .. Toyota offer 0% interest for 60 months AND $500 off? I did not apply for car loan yet but I think the max interest rate that I can get is 7%. My credit score is 780 something. I don't often use the back seats so space is not a problem for me.
I bought mine in july, 18,989. Its a C2. Others have gotten that price, and I think even a few slightly lower. I bought mine from Midwest Toyota in Hutchinson, KS, I flew from KY and drove it home because it was by far the cheapest, and they also gave me 0% and no local dealers would match it. The flight + hotel on the way home still left me over 1k ahead from buying locally, and 1k is 1k.
For the price you're paying for the C Two, it's not much more for a Prius Two. One poster in another thread paid $19,700 OTD before TTL. I just checked the TrueCar site for my area and came up with a price of $18,309, before TTL for a Prius C Two, with 97.75% certainty. Albeit I may have to drive 150 miles to get that deal. Shop around, depending on your local market, you should be able to swing a better deal. As far as which car to get, the Insight has an outdated hybrid system but should still give you very good mileage, but any Prius model will give you better mileage given the same driving habits you employ. Plus you get the free scheduled maintenance for 2 yr/25k miles. Good luck and let us know what you decide!
Vancouver,Wa true value price for C2 is $20,318. I don't event know if the price $19,400 is still available. That's $800 off the invoice, they offered it for their month end.
IMO go for the prius c. the final payoff will be about the same due to intrest. the prius c gets better mpg. I really like mine and I get well above epa estimates on mpg. so get the c2 pump up the tires and enjoy a brand new car and I really enjoy the blue tooth. I have an android and I just get in car and the phone auto goes to the car. if I was listining to pandora then the sterio also goes right to that and starts playing. it works great.