Ok. This one ranks up there on the weird stuff-o-meter. Over the past four months of Prius ownership I have developed what my doc says is in effect tennis elbow (an inflammation of a tendon tying muscles to your elbow) through my habit of propping my right elbow on the console cover and reaching out to the steering wheel. There is about zero padding on the console of my '13 P-Five. My elbow hurts a lot when I do it, but doesn't hurt if I do exactly the same in my '97 Jag, which has a very well-padded console cover. Mucho annoying. Of course, my conversation with my doc went: It hurts when I do this. and he replied, well, don't do this. ... So I won't do "this" any more. Has anyone else experienced "Prius elbow?" Eliot B
Yes! That's why I put a small black pillow there to elevate and protect my elbow. It's actually one of those fold up pillow blankets so it has a dual purpose in case your stranded somewhere in a winter storm.
Yep! After a long trip my right elbow swelled up like a Blow Fish and develope water in the joint . Dr. Said to keep ice pack on it .
I used to sell elbow pads for BMX racing. There were some pretty stylish colors available. Maybe something like that? The interior designers are even more to blame for the completely useless "arm rest" built into the driver's door.
Nope, I have Prius knee from it hitting the door panel. Now, I throw a towel over the knee so it doesn't hit.
Me too! After driving for about 30 minutes or so, my kerf knee gets a crease in it from the door panel.
The center arm rest actually works alright for me. It is the door arm rest which was apparently designed for someone who constantly leans left that leaves me hanging.
Nice to know I am not alone. And thanks for the picture of the console. My car is a '13. The console is shorter to account for the second cup holder, so the front edge of the console lid is even farther back from the wheel. That forces you to rest the outside of your elbow at the hard front edge of the console to have any chance of reaching the wheel, rather than laying your arm on the console and spreading the weight. I am giving some thought to a thick sponge taped to the console (a la the photo above), or even having an upholstery stop re-do the top of the console. I have not experienced Prius knee, but I agree the arm rest in the door is ridiculous. Again, thanks to all who responded. Eliot
I have tennis elbow, but unrelated to the Prius. You can buy an arm band (Ace makes them, along with others) that have a gel "egg". You velcro it around the arm and it really relieves the pain. For me, it comes back every few months...
Age is wisdom And when you stretch a tendon it takes forever for it to soften up When you add age to a stretched tendon But how's your lower back?
I drive with my hands at 9 & 3 o-clock with my arms well away from the armrests. Since my visit with a neurosurgeon this summer I have no more aches or pain in my body Mike