I created a HV DTC but the Engine Link PID that I created did not indicate the DTC correctly. I need to look in to this further as to why it did not indicate correctly. I did find out that the Clear Trouble Code command will clear HV DTC codes which is good to know.
I tested the HV DTC PID again this morning after simulating a HV Ground Fault DTC. This time it correctly displayed the number of DTC was equal to 1. It did not display the DTC though. I need to send this to the Support Group and see if I can get an explanation and a fix. I also tried the Reverse Beep Enable and this worked correctly and enabled the continuos beeping. I then tried the Reverse Beep Disable and this also worked correctly and disabled the beep back to a single beep. So the Customized Settings will work correctly with Engine Link 3.4.
Once again with the assistance from vincent1449p I now have the HV DTC PID's working correctly. Engine Link cannot display in Hex so we needed to convert to Decimal for display. Once we have the DTC in decimal form we can convert to binary for the correct prefix, P for power train for example, and then to hex for the actual DTC code.
Anybody try Engine Link with a first generation Prius? I'm wondering if it can get error codes from all the ECUs, or just the conventional ICE. I understand that custom PIDs allow access to a lot of data specific to our cars, but it still takes a trip to the dealership to get all the DTCs, correct? Thanks
I will let someone with a Gen 1 comment on using Engine Link. I do not see any custom PID's for a Gen 1 within the Engine Link selections. I think we should be able to get most, if not all, of the DTC's for the Gen 3's. We are not currently able to read the sub codes that give more detailed information. In some cases it may still take a trip to the dealer if the sub codes are needed. The DTC's that we can read should be able to help eliminate most dealer trips though.
Thanks, it sounds like a worthwhile purchase, even without every last feature. I'll try it out and see how it goes.
I just want to be sure that you understand that the comments I made above are for the Gen 3 and not the Gen 1. I am not sure what is available for the Gen 1's.
Yup, I got that. I reread some of the threads on the topic. Some gen I users had issues with the setup triggering false brake DTCs, but it seems that was resolved. One of the main features I'm looking for is SOC of the HV battery, and that seems to be available. I had hoped that because gen I only uses OBDII (not the newer CAN protocol) I might actually get more access to DTCs than on newer cars. I doubt that will be the case, but since the cost is fairly low I'm going to try.
I just got the Elm327 with Engine Link and it's a pretty useful app. I have been reading a lot of the forums on it and cannot get the fuel level to work. I've tried adding it myself from some of the forums. I see the prius C PID list is the only one that has it. Is this not possible for my gen2? Or am I just getting the location wrong. Also I noticed with my cruise set, the app is always about 2 mph slower. Which one would be more accurate.
I'm not sure but the free WAZE app can show mpg and its gps based. At least that another data reference point for speed.
The fuel level for Engine Link is looking at a standard PID that most non-hybrid vehicles respond to. I am not sure about the Gen 2 but I think the Gen 3 looks at the same PID as the c. I have asked the EL Support Team to give Prius users a way to re-direct the fuel level to the correct Prius PID. They have responded that they will do this but I have not seen an update for this yet. As for the speed the app speed is correct. The speedometer is artificially high by about 2 mph.
I just looked at the Prius_Gen2_US csv file included with Engine Link and do not see a PID for fuel level. Someone with a Gen 2 will have to reply as to whether the Gen 2 has a fuel level PID.
My 09 doesn't work with fuel level. I haven't done much troubleshooting but I have another device called Automatic that doesn't support fuel level either.
I looked in Adrian Black's ScanGauge II spreadsheet for Gen 2 and it has the following listed: Gas Gauge 05AC 010582A40000 1808 006400040000 gas xx.x % full You may want to convert this to an Engine Link PID and try it.
That's great! My other vehicle refused to start this morning so I had to commute on my motorcycle! Once I get it fixed I'll give that a try.
Got the other vehicle running. I tried to guess how to get that value into EngineLink and it doesn't work. I'll get in contact with support. iPad using Tapatalk
Yes, now that I look at the SGII formula it looks like it works out to A*(100/4)/10 = A*2.5. This does not make sense unless the range for A data is 0-40 for 0-100%. I went back to Adrian's spreadsheet and it indicates that it has been tested. Maybe some of the SGII experts with a Gen 2 can chime in on this one and let us knowif this is correct or not.
I tried messing around with it for a while too and couldn't get anything to work. I will have to wait for an update to the app or until someone with more extensive knowledge can help out. It would be a quite useful PID for anyone who has a GenII. Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
The Fuel Level for the Gen 3 works now in Engine Link with the 3.4 rev. It is a useful PID to have for both the Gen 2 and 3.
I'm struggling to get prius specific PIDs to work on my Gen 1, perhaps some of you have ideas? I found a torque csv file on this thread that is for the first generation, but when I open it in engine link all the PIDs are grey. The standard PID gives me a lot of basic information about the car, but none of the Prius PIDs work. I've tried every file I can find, and I've also tried creating a few PIDs from within the app with no success. I'm trying to figure out what's going on, but I just don't know enough about the topic to know where to start. For example, the SOC PID seems the same is these two files, but the headers are different.. neither works. State-of-Charge SOC 0191 A/2 0 100% D5F1 State-of-Charge SOC 191 (A)*(5) 0 1275[ppth] 84D5F1