I have a 2001 Prius with 215000 miles on it and my gas milage has dropped from 48 to 39. Had the CEL on and had the codes read. Changed the sparkplugs air cleaner and added fuel injector cleaner. It recently had the triangle of death and I changed out the 12v battery with an Optum kit. ( did not like the $360 Toyoda battery fix). It still did not solve problem where the engine would die after 10 seconds. Took it to the dealer where the MAF and trottle plate was cleaned and codes reset. I have not gotten any better than 39 mpg since this all occured. Any ideas?
check your brakes, this happened to mine. no codes tho. I jacked each wheel up and spun them by hand. they should move pretty easily. i found that my front passenger caliper was sticking so i replaced it. bingo, back up to 48 mpg. that possibly could be your issue.
I had a right front tire with a screw in it--could not see it on the car. My mileage dropped on my 2012 from 55 mpg to 48 mpg. The other tires were within specs. The TPMS didn't come on until the bad tire dropped to 20 lbs psi. Might want to check all of your tires.
Great minds must think alike. Alas, I checked the breaks yesterday and found them OK. Everything moved free and easy.
you could also try replacing the oxygen sensors. sometimes they go but dont set a code but will affect gas mileage. How is your hybrid battery?
one thing you want to invest in is a scangauge 2. they can tell you alot especially on the hybrid side.
What doesa Scangauge 2 cost and where do I find one? Will it isolate Hybrid problems to a specific component?