Yep 1470mi with two bikes, no air condition, and no hills, doing hwy speeds. And 27.4 seems a little low. Also very little city driving.
Then there's either something you're not telling us or there's something wrong with your car. Where are the bikes mounted? on the roof or the rear? How fast were you going? If you have two bikes on the roof doing 95 mph into a headwind, then yes you will not achieve great mpg's. The Prius is economical, but it's not magic! Be curious what tyres you have on it and what psi's they're at. Winter tyres will bomb mpg's too.
First post after joining May 7, 2013 and no details. It sounds like perfect mileage for a troll. Bob Wilson
Bikes mounted outside at highway speed will really trash MPG, but we could use a lot more detail to puzzle out what else is contributing: Fuel economy complaints/queries? Please copy, paste & answer these questions, esp. if you're new
Use "85 mph" with external bicycles, especially roof mounted, no problem. Experimentally, I've measured ~22-24 MPG on a clean Prius at 100 mph. No we just have a troll trying to tease . . . ignore. Bob Wilson
With only one post we have no idea if the OP can do simple mathematics. Maybe his total miles was all uphill. There's an explanation for the low mpg and the word MISTAKE seems to be the most likely answer. If it's not a mistake, then it's a lie.
You are right, that does seem low. Would you care to provide additional details for the folks here? We are here to help.
show us a screen shot. with trip odometer it will answer many of the questions we have. like speed, temp, and fill us in on psi and size and type of tires ect...
Guys and guyettes. This op has posted one negative, almost unbelievable post and disappeared. There is a pattern here. There have been numerous similar posts from one hit wonders of late. Let's not waste our time unless we do actually hear back.
27.4 is slightly low! Yeah, member since May 2013, but this is his first post, a hit & run OP! Prii411New Member Start a Conversation Member Since: May 7, 2013 Posts: 1 Likes Received: 0 Your Vehicle Year: 2011 Prius Model: Three
The frequency of "one hit wonders" has been increasing lately. (Thanks for coining that term.) They've become rather sloppy too. Claiming 27.4 MPG is quite extreme. Even with kayaks on top, I couldn't get efficiency that low. I haven't even seen that in the dead of Winter here, during the worst of the snow-trapped traffic. It simply isn't realistic of a claim. No follow-up is a dead giveaway something isn't right. The owner facts listed don't add up either. Prius sales remaining strong, despite the dropping of oil & gas prices, as well as certain other competition struggling is good reason to keep an eye out for attempts to undermine. That wastes our time. But ultimately, it helps point out how resilient Prius actually is. Gotta like that.