So at age 71, Singer Song Writer Lou Reed has taken his last "Walk on the wild side" he passed away this morning! "And the colored girls go....DO DO..DODODO..DODO..."
Lou Reed was born in Brooklyn and grew up in Freeport Long Island. He was a rock and roll icon. Lou's parents sent him to electro shock therapy as a young man to alter his sexual tendencies. It impacted his memory and cognitive skills for life but he managed to graduate college and become hugely successful.
Does it matter... The point is mom and dad didn't like what he was, and tried what the doctors said would "cure" him. He is a musical talent that left a mark in history, and influenced others with his creations and interpretations of a given piece of music. There are those intolerant folks, sometimes they may even be your own folks, that don't like who you are, but love what they see or hear you do... I was fortunate enough to have family that didn't make you have to go through the stuff this man did in order to be family... I wish him peace.
knowledge yes. the answer? no, not at all. so are you saying you dont know? electro shock seems to be a bit extreme for any non criminal behavior is why I ask. for all we know, the treatment was to stop something bad.
If you have google you can get the answer easily. Lou was forthright about the horrors he endured and it's impact on him