I'm from Holland, Europe, and recently I own a 2009 GEN III Prius with full nav and the standard 6 speakers, no JBL. It has 2 speakers in the dashboard, 2 speakers in the front doors en 2 speakers in de back doors. I upgraded my front speakers with 3 way JBL GTO 938 speakers, expecting to improve the low and mid frequencies. Unfortunately, the results are disappointing: Apparently, the speakers in the front doors only get LOW frequencies. So, the real lows are fine now, but I expected more from this. Trust me, I've searched this forum over and over again, and I really thought these front speakers would improve the low AND MID frequencies. The audio just misses the spectrum between low and mid. I followed some threads here and read articles of people who did exactly like I did: Replacing the front door speakers with decent ones, but I don't get it. Sure, the real base will be better, but the whole idea is to improve overall audio, not just the low frequencies. It actually makes no sense putting 3-way speakers there if only low frequencies reaches the speakers. So there must be a filter or so in place which only passes the lows.... Or am I missing something here? Thanks.
If the gen3 is anything like the gen2 JBL system, low frequencies are passed to the rear doors not the front. John (Britprius)
I do not have the prints for 2009's, but on the 2010 Gen III the fronts are wired with bass blockers on the front tweeter/squawker, at least that's what everyone calls them. I had a a discussion with another member that told me this only prevented low freqs from going to the front tweeter/squawker, and allowed full frequency range to the door speaker/woofer. Never tested it as I completely replaced my original base II system, but had doubts of his comments. First thing you might want to try is to bypass the tweeter/squawker and see if your frequency response improves. Also be made aware that using separates (2 or 3 ways) with the tweeter up front will give much better frequency results than coax or triax speakers in the door location only. You do not have to go all out like my example below, but using separates off factory outputs is very doable. Just match impedance and wattage. Hope that helps a little. frodoz Stereo Upgrade | PriusChat
If the capacitor to filter the frequency is on the tweeter in the dash itself that does nothing to the speaker in the door unless they are in series and wire from the tweeter goes to the speaker doors. Now I don't know if there is also a filter somewhere else between the radio and the door speakers.
frodoz737 : It makes sense that the lows are filtered for the dashboard tweeters. But I think this has nothing to do with the mids and highs being filtered for the door speakers, like mentioned by 5isalive. Talking about the tweeters in the dashboard, how can they be reached to disassemble? What has to be done to remove the cover?
As stated I have a 2010 Gen III. Quick look around google found this for Gen II's, if it helps. Just trying to point you in the right direction as I remember all the work it took before I started my project. If anyone can do better, please step in. F8L my be of some help as he did a Stealth install on his Gen II. Wire Diagram | PriusChat First post WDM is easier to download. Starts around page 323. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDkQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpriuschat.com%2Fattachments%2Fprius_front_speaker_install_guide-pdf.42438%2F&ei=Az5uUozkCuWL2AXxvoCYAg&usg=AFQjCNGrPzfBAVYbOAWKSqmch2qR7aePrg&bvm=bv.55123115,d.b2I
did you adjust the treble/bass? The dash speaker and the front door speakers are run in parallel, not series.
I have a "Gen III" Prius, not Gen II. It's the model that was released half way 2009 If the dash and door speakers are parallel, then I don't understand why the doorspeakers only produce low freqs. Surely I experimented with the tone settings
Sorry, you signature shows 2008 Prius and your post said 2009. Thought "Gen III" was a keystroke mistake. Anyway, I have to sleep now but can provide the info requested accessing the squawkers tomorrow, if someone else does not before then. I am more up on the Gen III system and have the wiring diagrams for all 3 configurations as well. Will talk then. Out.