The 2012 PIP is 3165lbs The 2012 base is something around 3050lbs My 2012 package 4 with deluxe solar is 3980lbs Is it possible that the solar package adds nearly 25% more weight?!?!?! and all on the roof? Does anyone know if the spring\shocks are different than the base to compensate for all the additional weight?
yes I just realized my screw up! I took total gross weight. So gross weight - load capacity mac (825lbs) = 3155lbs curb weight.
I have wondered about this before. My vehicle has a little yellow caution sticker by the VIN number plate (driver's door), that says the carrying capacity of this vehicle is reduced by 12 lbs. due to modifications. I've looked at other models without the solar roof option, and they have slightly different weights- some higher/some lower. (My GVWR is 3980 lbs.) It would seem that the solar roof option would have a higher correction weight, but it doesn't. It would be interesting to find out how Toyota comes up with the correction weights, but it doesn't seem consistent.