I started noticing some strange sounds coming from the engine compartment after shutting off the car ( a 2007 with 90K miles). It's different from the hum for several seconds that I often hear after switching off the car. This one is a squeaky rough sound like a small motor wearing out. I think it's from the driver side of the engine compartment. Is that where the inverter pump is? This car didn't have any record of needing the inverter pump changed for the recall as far as I could tell. Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
That is likely the sound produced by the coolant heat recovery pump, located within the left front fender well, in front of the tire. The pump sound may have changed recently.
Patrick, Thanks for your reply. Maybe it's due to colder weather recently. Is this something I should have checked out?
I would not worry about that, unless the pump actually fails (in which case the check engine light will come on.) The pump is known for making noise as it ages. If it is still working then its not worth paying a three-digit amount to replace it.
I have recently switched from a 2007 Base model Gen 2 to a 2009 Touring model Gen 2. I am very familiar with the coolant pump and brake fluid pump sounds. This 2009 occasionally has an irregular, squeaky, rough noise like the original poster noted. It's from the driver's side, very close to the dash. Dying auxiliary water pump?