Dealer deactivated Karr security systems High Performance Series 3 alarm when I declined paying the $450 to keep it activated. Is the dealer the only one who can re-activate it? Or are there cheaper options out there? Background: The salesman said the alarm is there was to protect the cars in their lot. I've also read that it allows them to get into any car by knocking on the window while carrying a dealer's master fob. A salesman experienced with this system writes that reactivation involves swapping a deactivator module with another module that has a frequency crystal matching my fob.
I got suckered into buying the KARR system from the dealer too. It really doesn't offer much more than the factory system except that it has a shock sensor in case someone breaks your glass. I think it has non-scanable codes and a fuel system deactivator. Unless the one in your car has the "tracker" feature (GPS), I doubt reactivating it is worth it.
Leave it disconnected. You'll have problems with your 12v battery and it's not needed on the Prius. If I were buying the car, I would have had the dealer remove it completely rather than have them "disable" it.
If all it takes to reactivate is a chip, I was hoping it would be possible to get it from a 3rd party for $50 bucks or so. That expense, but not much more, would be worth it.
All dealers are scumbags. Do not let them sell you anything beside the car. Their only goal is money in their pocket.
Do a search for KARR installers (other than your Toyota dealer) in San Diego and call for information on how to "reactivate" your system. Maybe they can do it for a small fee. Again, you're not getting much more than the factory system offers. Also, it messes up the feature where you could set the fob to open all doors on one click.
Which dealer did you buy from? Toyota of San Diego tried to sneak this crap on us and when we caught it and told them to take it off. They told us they couldn't b/c they'd be "losing money" and that the alarm would be useless to them. We said that we were under the assumption that the alarm was included, we didn't specifically ask for it. Finance guy went to talk to his manager and I thought in my head, "Yeah, you better take that sh*t off..." lol Anyway, my cousin works for Southwest Dealer Services. I just contacted him to put a shock sensor in my girlfriend's new Prius. If you want I can give you his contact info if you wanted to do the same (or any other type of alarm you wanted for pretty cheap). I'm sure he has a bunch of those chips just laying around if you wanted it reinstalled too. PM if interested.
I bought from Mossy. Did Toyota SD remove it for you? I contacted Southwest Dealer Services, who provide the KARR alarms, and they said I would have to go through my dealer to reactivate.
Something similar happened to me yesterday at Mossy Toyota in San Diego (only one day so far with my 2013 V, and I'm in love). My girlfriend's dad has worked as a Toyota salesman for over 20 years, and he said this sales point is a load. At first, I thought they would not actually deactivate the alarm, and they were just blowing smoke to get the extra $800. Well, they slipped some blocker chip under the car. I didn't see exactly where, but I would assume if you remove this little black square, the alarm would reactivate. I'll post as I find out more.
The same thing that happened to Bobby Oliver happened to me, the problem is that someone recently broke my window and stole everything they could from inside my car. I need to install an alarm but am afraid of messing up the keyless entry that I love so much. Any suggestions?
Don't leave valuables in the car and an alarm won't help you anyway. Someone stole one of my Mustangs and it had a top of the line alarm and the Club installed. Didn't stop them.
Hey SkwiD, would you happen to know if your cousin can show us how to remove that Karr alarm correctly and completely? I only found one screenshot somewhere, but I want to do it right. The alarm is going off while I was driving. I want it out. (sounded like I have a health problem. ) thanks!
Bobby Oliver, there's a blue flashing LED on it, that can be removed I think, and that slot needs to be inserted with a "Master" dongle (which, we don't have), then those guys(KARR guys/SouthWest blah blah guys) have the "Master" remote to activate/deactivate it. Then they will insert this LED back. For those who have it deactivated, that LED is not present and it will be plugged back in with another non-LED one. It could be possible that the little dongle thing will have the LED on it and it's blinking all the time, that just means it hasn't been "activated" with the Master dongle with the Master remote. It was just plugged back in with the LED one. If anyone gets a hand on that master remote... you can see how secure this is. I guess now that every single dealership is ganged up with KARR alarm, the only choice we have to buy an untinkered car is via fleet sales, hopefully. Because with the KARR activated, you cannot program the remote(keyfob) to unlock all doors by 1 click on the unlock button on the fob. I bet you did not know that when you bought the car, didn't you? Why pay to get a 3rd part aftermarket alarm and removed some features that supposely comes with the original car? It's a hack. They would say it won't void your warranty, but if you go install it yourself, or others, it would "mess" up your car and warranty. Well, that is a lie. There is a law stating that unless proven, all aftermarket parts installed will not void any warranty. Auto Warranties & Routine Maintenance | Consumer Information In addition, there is a original Genuine Toyota security system. Anyone knows a fleet sales department salesperson?