I did my imcome tax last night and on my 05 i thought i would get about $500 but it only came to $300.I traded it off jan 2 for a 06 pkg 4.I had 13,000 miles on the 05.next yrs tax will get an extra $3150.I found a dealer in ky that gave me my wife's employe discount so bottem line i payed $50 diff. After a few months with my 05 i quit trying to get hight mpg and just drove it like any other car.Found i enjoyed my 05 much more than when i tried to get hight mpg.
My tax man said that becuase I didn't hold the 05 for 3 years I will have to clain 66% of the 2000 deduction I took in 2005 on my 06 taxes.