Choice quotes: "Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. (combining the Lexus and Toyota brands) tops JD Power's QSI ratings among automotive corporations. In the Strategic Vision TQI study, however, it ranks below average - in 20th place. According to Strategic Vision Vice-President Daniel Gorrell, the ubiquity of the Camry and perceived dullness of many Toyotas drags down the brand's score." "According to the folks at Strategic Vision, their Total Quality Index is not merely a static report on the number of things that go wrong in the first 90 days of ownership. The company believes its TQI is a more accurate measure of owner satisfaction, in that it also assesses new buyers’ responses to the complete ownership experience - including buying, owning and driving their new vehicles. The calculations also include the emotional response to that experience. With these variables factored in, Volkswagen-Audi tops all manufacturers with their combined score, while Mercedes topped all brands, tied with Infiniti." It brings a smile to my face to see HUMMER at the very bottom.
Reliability is so dull! It's much more exciting when your Ford breaks down in a blizzard, or in the desert, than when your Toyota just gets you where you're going.
Well how're you suppose to bond with your fellow car owners without something in common to complain about? "I was late to pickup the kids, and my 6 month old car broke down on me." "Oh yeah, well I almost lost my job b/c my car would never start in the winter. TOP THAT!" etc. etc.
Don't forget that Scion has 183 issue complains for every 100 cars sold - not too good if you ask me and it's a Toyota product as well. Toyota has problems too, they just know how to fix them. I'm sure that the 05 Scions won't have near that rate.
This Strategic Vision group must really have some confused people reporting their ownership experiences. I read the same results on the VW TDI website---where people really know about the quality problems that VW has. Toyota is usually at or near the top in quality and VW near the bottom. The people who think Toyota is not a high quality product and own other makes (like VW) are in for a shock. BTW I own a VW Jetta TDI and there is no comparison in my mind (and ownership experience) as to the fact that the Toyota is a superior product