Hello Everyone, I purchased a 2013 Prius III in Winter Grey this past weekend. I traded in my 2010 VW Jetta SportWagon TDI and it's definitely an adjustment. I loved the drive in the VW but between struggling to break 40 mpg regularly, cost of diesel, and cost of maintenance on German cars I feel I made a good decision. Even with mostly highway driving, my 80 mile daily round trip still averages around 50 mpg. I'm glad there is a forum/community of people to discuss all the nuances of this car. Thanks everyone!
Welcome and congratulations on your new purchase! Nice color choice too. I have a similar 52 mile daily round trip and after 4 years I still enjoy the drive and the mpg. I hope you will also.
As a past owner of a VW Jetta TDI, who sold it for my Prius, I KNOW about the cost. Got so I was getting something fixed every month or so. $300 to $900 a repair got to be to much. Congrats on the car! They are great!