Good cover. I have 4 screennames frankly because I'm a little nuts and have not received any medical treatment for the condition. I've noticed someone recently answered 5 in the poll. I don't think I branched another, but I'm beginning to wonder.
All previous contests decided by fewer than (now) 21 votes (the number of "extra" potential votes so far admitted to) are invalid---depending on when these multiple-personality members joined and the dates of the contests. All poll results are suspect. Membership totals are off. Unless some, most or all of these voters are lying or having a little fun. Next poll: Was anyone who voted "2" or higher in the last poll: 1. fibbing 2. under the influence 3. a former convicted felon 4. an unnaturalized US citizen 5. under the age of, oh, 11 6. two of the above 7. three of the above 8. four of the above 9. all of the above 10. Bill Merchant
actaully the poll should read if you answered that you have more than one useranme have you been convicted of identity theft and are currently just confused?
Yes! On the tv show Will & Grace the character of Karen (oftentimes drunk or well on her way to being inebriated) goes by the alias Anastasia Beaverhausen. I found the name to be particularly funny for some reason.
I see there are four people who answered 4... or is that one person who voted 4 times? I think this poll is a little suspect as well - there may not be as many multiples as we think... nerfer (the one and only, even if I am in the Chicago area ;-) (my emoticons aren't working..?)
Another thing that confuses me - I'm member number 12,802, as I recall, yet the stats on the bottom-left of the main page show there are about 12,400 members. At first I thought that hadn't been updated, but I see it is updated regularly. Does this mean I'm really going to join in the future, and this is just a grand illusion? Or are there about 400 identidified aliases that they are humbly not counting in their membership stat? nerfer