I just came across your post from last year. I'm chose the same so I'm interested how things played out. I know it's after the fact at this point, but I can share how I worked it out. Steve
Yes. I had the same experience last year, exactly same. Seems JM enterprises! JM lexus owns SE Toyota and they dictate what is ordered and what is not. There is really one person at JM has uses his taste and supposed experience in ordering the bland. I told my dealer at the time I ONY. Wanted sea glass! they gave me the name of the genius at JM and I called, and guess what? They ordered sea glass and they did sell. Don't five in or give up, call JM make a fuss, speak to the bosses boss if you need to and tell them it's your $, you want what you want and beside, Sea Glass not available in South Florida????? What genius figured that out? Be tenacious, you'll get your color.
I could not find a SeaGlassPearl in the NW at the end of 2013. I think Toyota had a shortage and allocated them. Anyway, I found a person that could hunt the incoming stuff on the boat. He found two, like I wanted, coming into the USA for the whole country. He was able to get one of those diverted to his dealership. The key here is to find the right person that can work for you. Thanks, Dan
I am around the Charlotte area. I bought my 2012 Sea Glass Pearl Prius in Aug. 2012. It was very hard to find one on a lot. Every dealer told me that the color just wasn't very popular so they weren't ordering any. Finally found a dealer willing to locate and deliver from another dealership. I love this color. Once I saw it, it was the only one I wanted. Just can't understand why so many people don't like it. Even here in the Charlotte area, where every other car you see on the road is a prius. You can see all the other colors and maybe 1-2 of the Sea Glass.