Don't recall if anyone has done this: Of course I was in a hurry, jumped in, hit the "Power" button and, anticipating that the "I Agree" icon would appear in the lower right corner of the Map screen, I tapped (what I thought) was that icon. Turns out the last screen displayed was the Consumption screen so I wound up tapping "Reset"! I almost always have the map screen displayed when I power down, except for this one, lousy, stinking time. Dang! I suppose there's no way to reset the "reset", is there?
The only thing you've lost is you won't get an average mpg reading for your current tank (since it will be calculating from when you hit reset. But you have not hurt anything, and you'll still get readings for subsequent tanks (if you don't make the same mistake again) and if you are recording your ODO readings and actual gas purchased, you'll still have your own calculated mpg (may not be accurate for a single tank, but still gives you your running totals.) Personally, I think this compulsion to record mpg for every tankful is rather obsessive. In a year from now, when you've gone through 6 or 8 tankfuls, your mpg for this particular tankful won't matter at all.
I agree, at least to a certain extent. What aggravated me about this was that I wanted to compare the displayed MPG with my first real fill-up (real in the sense that I know how many gallons I put in there). I wanted to see if the display was relatively accurate. After all, the thing read 52 mpg for my first tank and I doubt my actual mileage was quite that good. Anyway, although recording mpg might be rather obsessive, it's sort of fun. I mean, after driving a Navigator for circa 3 years and a Suburban for close to 5, it's something I never bothered doing because, well, I didn't want to know.
:lolup: :lolup: :lolup: :lolup: :lolup: Just hit the BACK button :?: :wink: :mrgreen: Well maybe they will add that on the '05 :idea: :!: :computer: :wave:
I've been paraniod about hitting that reset button myself - no, it's not a *huge* deal, but still. Wish there was a way to grey it out, or disable it or something. Oh well. -m.
Not a huge deal at all but I firmly believe I would never have hit the reset button accidentally while the Consumption screen was displayed. It's really the fault of that "I Agree" thing, IMHO. It would be nice if there were some way to bypass it. Hitting "I Agree" is a very minor annoyance but it is annoying nonetheless. OTOH, I'll live with it. After all, I think it says a lot when my only complaint about the car is having to press an icon.
I haven't accidentally hit reset yet but I've done something that made me feel (and look) really stupid. I'd driven my '01 for so long that when I pulled out of my dealership with my hot lookin' new '04 I attempted to shift into drive - and sprayed wiper fluid all over the clean windshield. (They ought not to have rearranged those controls the way they did!) I actually did that twice in one day when not looking at the controls.
One of these days I'll check out the dvd (if it's possible to) and see if I can re-burn the same disc but without that annoying screen. Does anyone know of the steps to remove the dvd? -m.
I think the DVD is located somewhere in the center console which would, of course, necessitate the removal thereof (or, at least, partial removal). Anyway, are we sure that particular screen is on the DVD itself or would it require something like a reflash of the firmware?
The thing is, you never really know if the amount of gas you put in is the amount you burned, on account of the Wonderful Size-Changing Gas Bladder I prefer to look at the consumption screen after a longer-than-average drive and tell myself (and everyone else) that the mpg for the last five-minute segment is what I would be getting if I lived in a city where things were farther away than 10 minutes. (This number generally ranges from 50 to 75 mpg.)