Yesterday I heard a voice warning in my 2011 Prius. It said in effect "your battery is low". Glancing at the display my hybrid battery icon was two dots from the top, so I assume it meant the 12 volt battery. Not having a voltmeter, is there any way to check the health of my 12 volt which only has 33k miles on it.
I'm thinking, could it have been my phone, no fully charged, maybe my Garmin? I hear it again, I'll try to figure out where it came from. Could have it been my fob battery?
I think that's usually a display only item on the MID. I'm guessing it was your phone. My Garmin doesn't announce when the battery is low, or at least not that I've ever heard.
My recommendation is to purchase a multimeter (voltmeter). You can get them anywhere from free at Harbor Freight, to $5. Almost every electrical device requires one for diagnostics.
Well the thing these days that constantly bugs me is I hear beeps. There are so many things around that beep for whatever it's driving me crazy trying to figure out what beeped each time! I would not be surprised if it was the key fob low battery warning. The GIII does things a bit differently from the GII.
When the key fob battery for my 2010 got low there was no voice warning, but there was a message displayed on the dash when I turned the car off that said "Key battery low" (or words to that effect).
I thought I was losing it when an apparition popped up like a HUD in my windshield and scolded me for going over my oil change interval.
Nice. And don't apologize. You wanted to know what was going on. That's what this forum is all about, or so I thought.