For those looking to install one of these, here's the best how-to (if I can do it, so can you): Push your seat all the way back and get comfortable lying on your back with your head as close to the brake pedal as you can get. Look straight up. You'll barely be able to see the relay, and it may help you to snap some pictures to orient yourself. You're looking for this (best picture of it on PC so far): Once you find it, the rest is done with your right hand by feel only. Feel for the tab indicated by the arrow. You'll easily be able to press the tab with your index finger. Next, grab the harness with your thumb and index finger and push UP, then squeeze the tab hard, and only then do you pull down. Do not force it. If it doesn't come out easily, try again. Once it's out, you'll plug in your relay single-handed (again by feel - and it can only go in one way, don't force, you'll hear or feel a click once in) and you can either tuck it in or zip-tie it securely. The space up there is pretty small so tucking it in will keep it fairly secure. Zip-tying is just extra work. Good luck. And kudos to Dawit for his text support.
Technically, it's the connector on the wiring harness that's being released from the OEM flasher relay. Then the aftermarket flasher relay is installed onto the connector, while leaving the OEM relay in place. SCH-I535
I know its a old thread but thanks for the link, I have VWs and Audi's and really miss the tap-lane change function, now can also have it on my Prius. Thanks
Sometimes it is good to bring an old thread back from the dead I completely forgot about this. Very nice to have this feature. Mike
thanks for the instructions. it was harder for me to see than I thought it would be. Thanks for the "squeeze, push, pull" instructions, that was the key!
hi guys! can anyone lead me to the site so i can order one? been looking for one of these for my '14 Prius, please??? thanks
If you just want to stop hyper flashing (caused by lowered resistance of LED replacement bulbs), there are numerous cheap options available on eBay. If you want the tap, 3 blink functionality, google "tapturn relay". That relay comes from Canada. It took about a week for mine to arrive.