I need some advice so I thought I would come to the experienced. I am looking to buy a 2004 Prius for about $9500. It has 63,000 miles. I'm concerned that a 10 year old prius, only being driven (maybe) 6300 miles per year, has not had its battery put to good use. From what I understand, if the battery is not used for AT LEAST 10,000 miles per year than the battery is likely to go bad. What are your thoughts? What is the track record on batteries? Is this true what I heard about Prius batteries?
I have heard the typical life span of a battery is 10 years than after that it starts to degrade. Much of it is based on environment and driving conditions. I would budget for a replacement in case the battery fails. Cost is about $1,345 Greentecauto - Hybrid Battery Replacement | Specializing in Honda Civic and Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery Replacement | Hybrid BatteriesGreentecauto – Hybrid Battery Replacement | Specializing in Honda Civic and Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery Replacement | Hybrid Batteries
You would be better off getting a 2008 or 2009 with even a few more miles in my opinion. You should be able to get one with 90-110,000 miles for $10-12k. The will last over 250,000 miles easy. Several people on the forum have gone over 300,000 and 2 that I know have gone over 450,000. See various threads in Gen 2 Prius forum.
The battery ages with time and use. Some people think time is a bigger factor than use. Given this I would not pay a premium for a old low mileage Prius.
we sold our '04 last year with 95,000 on her. my neighbor has her upto 115,000 now and she still runs like brand new. i think you'll be fine, but $9,500. seems a tad steep to me.