Don't know how long the coupon will be active but you can get the Scangauge II for $109.99 shipped from Advance Auto Parts. Buy ScanGauge II Digital Trip Monitor SG2 at Advance Auto Parts Apply coupon code DOW41 at checkout. You can also get a 5.5% cash rebate through Ebates on top of the deal. If you don't have an account, please use: Coupons, Promo Codes and Cash Back Savings -
Yeah, I got mine, yesterday. It was UPS dropped shipped directly from the ScanGauge manufacturer in Mesa, AZ. You know that it is the freshest and latest Version. The User Manual said, Version 6.2.
AutoZone has it for $127.99 online only. My old Scangauge II is almost useless with the new PIP. I like to see the State Of Charge and Traction Battery Voltage. Neither of these shows up on the old gauge. So a couple of questions. Will BTV and SOC be displayed on the new version? Is there a special setup mode called Plug In Hybrid EV? What will this new Scangauge II show that is not displayed on the old one?
The latest firmware Version is 6.2 You can contact Linear Logic, the makers of the ScanGauge III at; Contact Us : Linear Logic - Home of the ScanGauge to be sure.