Does anyone know how the antenna on a Prius unplugs from the back of the radio (non-JBL if that matters)? Does it have a covering, and does it unscrew? Or is it a standard car antenna plug which can be pulled out and pushed in with pressure? I have a Sirius Starmate receiver which gets some hiss from the wireless hookup to the FM stations (all 5 presets). I'm gonna try a hard-wired hookup to the car radio with the Sirius relay, but this requires unplugging the car antenna from the back of the radio , into the relay, and the relay plugged into the radio. Any help? Thank you, Domenic dpframing
I have the same Sirius unit, I just installed it last week - go to Radio Shack, for a few dollars get yourself a 6' patch cable, and a right angle adapter. Plug the new cable, and the 12v power for the Sirius into the Aux and Power jacks inside the center armrest compartment, and then mount the Sirius unit in the front cup holder, or wherever you would like. I can post some pictures if your not sure what I am talking about. the benefit, is that you can turn 'OFF' the FM transmitter, and play Sirius through the AUX setting on the radio. Of course, this is all assuming you have an 06. If not, sorry for this long-winded explanation.
Here is a picture of the backof my 05 Non-JBL radio. The antenna is the standard plug.
I agree! if you have a 2006, like I do, this makes for MUCH better sound quality than the FM modulator. Also, if you do go the other route, the wiring diagram for the non-JBL radio shows an antenna preamp. If it is external to the radio, as I assume, I would insert the Sirius directly into the radio, not through the preamp, to avoid overloading the preamp. Which also makes me wonder if some of the "static-y Sirius" issues aren't related to that preamp? :blink:
Bob, Thank you so much for the pics. Extremely helpful. One more question: in the thumbnail pic showing the back of the raio and the antenna plug, is the antenna input on the side of the radio closest to the driver's side ? I am accessing the back of the radio from the glove box, and the plug would be all the way to the left side closest to the driver, right? Thanks again, Domenic dpframing