A couple of years ago I was ticketed for going 59 mph in a 55 mph zone. 2 o'clock in the morning, on the Mass turnpike in the middle of nowhere. When the cop joined me, that made two cars. Another car or two probably passed while I waited for the ticket. My most recent ticket occured when I drove close to a cop car for a block out of curiousity what bicycle was attached to the back. I was cited for driving too closely -- and I was within 10 feet for sure -- in the adjacent lane. In my current job I drive a certain road at different hours of the night. I always see two or three cop cars parked at the 7-11. I do not drive often in the poor, higher crime areas of my city, but I cannot remember seeing a cop when I have. If police protected the vulnerable more, and focused less on revenue generation, I would look more favorably on them.
Oh, please. I use my electric shaver and I never have to take my eyes of the road. You are more dangerous when you tune your radio or adjust your temp. I think makeup might be worse depending on the woman. Makeup requires occasional visual attention, while I can find my entire face with one hand! Or do you never drive without both hands on the wheel 100% of the time???
I was pulled over speeding and the cop asked me where I was headed and why I was speeding, I gave him my explanation which was the truth and ask if there was any chance for a warning. He went back to his car to check my record and started writing. Damn. He came back and said to slow down and gave me a written warning. Cool. About two months later I was near the same area but going in the opposite direction when I was pulled over again for speeding. It was a different cop and I asked if I could have a warning. When he had my registration in his hand and no fault card, he asked if I had ever gotten a warning. Without thinking it through I told him yeah a few months ago I got one in this area. In the back of my mind I'm thinking this is not going to help. He then tells me the previous cop had put a little mark on my registration which I didn't know about indicating I had gotten the previous warning. He let me go with the warning since I told the truth. He really enjoyed the surprised look on my face.
Oh, Squid! The tremendous fear repressed so far below the outward aggression! :lol: Can you hear the jackboots? First of all, I don't consider myself docile. In fact, I tend to be somewhat abrasive and aggressive to strangers who do stupid, dangerous things around me and my family. This is not a point of pride with me. I've been in many fistfights through the years. Though not since I became the 'hero' to my little boy! I consider myself a member of a society of persons mutually dependent on one another to 'play along' for continued survival. You, too, depend on those around you, whether you realize or appreciate it or not. That 'docile' gal who stopped at the light, like a pathetic sheep, instead of t-boning you on your bike was one of them. I don't confess guilt when legitimately caught (meaning that I KNOW I WAS GUILTY WITHOUT DOUBT) because I 'fear conflict'. I have fought tickets in the past. I confess because I knew the rules when I accepted the responsibility to watch out for my fellow citizens while driving, and I am mature enough to admit my mistakes. Yes, actually private citizens can and do own fighter jets, albeit without their armament. Is it your contention that private citizens should be able to posess and publicly utilize fully armed military vehicles? Is there some reason that you can't gather up your arms and march on the 'seat of government'? Of course it would be illegal, and the authorities would attempt to stop you, but obviously you are attempting to overthrow them, and so wouldn't care, and would be prepared to fight. I don't know of any law preventing you and all of your Octopus, Shrimp, and Cuttlefish buddies from strapping on all the iron you can afford and giving it a go. How about it? Shoot, (no pun intended), here in Oregon, you can even own automatic weapons. You're right about voting, for sure. You should never, ever vote again. Big, BIG waste of time. Seriously. Stay home. You're too smart to vote, leave it to us idiots. As far as education goes, it's funny, but my SKEPTICISM in the government comes from three places: my parents, my education, and my own reading and thinking. I would argue that education is the very ANTIDOTE to a docile citizenry. At least until the neocons manage to privative education. A respectful inquiry: Let's say you commit a moving violation. You roll right on through a stop sign, (you remember it well, because you actually made the effort to check for cops as you approached) and you failed to notice the father and his small son who had, unwisely, counted on you to stop. You hit the boy, and he is seriously injured. Now what? FIGHT IT SQUID, FIGHT IT! You aren't guilty until those connivers prove it, by golly! Is that about how this 'mind'set works? Sorry if that's inaccurate, I'm speculating, as I have a hard time seeing to such depths. Nothing personal, as always, and of course.
A respectful inquiry: Let's say you commit a moving violation. You roll right on through a stop sign, (you remember it well, because you actually made the effort to check for cops as you approached) and you failed to notice the father and his small son who had, unwisely, counted on you to stop. You hit the boy, and he is seriously injured. Now what? FIGHT IT SQUID, FIGHT IT! You aren't guilty until those connivers prove it, by golly! Is that about how this 'mind'set works? Sorry if that's inaccurate, I'm speculating, as I have a hard time seeing to such depths. Nothing personal, as always, and of course. [snapback]212769[/snapback][/quote] Let's say a kid runs in front of your black Prius, totally the kids fault nothing you could do, but you hit him and injure him. But since you chose a black Prius instead of a white Prius which he might have noticed better, does that make it more your fault? Suppose you had taken the accident avoidance class from Skip Barber or Bob Bondurant, you might have been able to avoid him and not injure him. Does that make it your fault since you chose not to take those available courses even though the law says you don't have to?
Ain't gonna happen: so few people would pass that the car makers, the tire makers, and the oil companies would all have to fold up. That would be a good thing, but since they own so many legislators, they'd block it.
I wouldn't mind our legislators having to take a test. Not necessarily IQ (although that would be nice), but how about the same kinds of tests they make teachers take? Something along the lines of minimum knowledge to do your job, some common sense, etc? And they should have to be evaluated every year and show adequate yearly progress toward an arbitrary and impossible goal. I can see it now....No Politician Left Behind.
:lol: Of course, they'd probably work it so that they decided whether they passed or not. Then they'd be in charge of deciding whether they get raises, how their pensions are handled and their own competency rating.
A little honesty needed...particularly from the ones who have their "pet peeve" violation they want people cited for (not warned...cited). Are you the kind of person who gets mad when the police DON'T catch the guy doing something YOU see but also get mad when YOU are caught? I gave ANOTHER warning today....no brake lights on a big construction flatbed trailer....and the driver was under suspension (but driving on work privileges)...and I recognized his name as a local "problem" guy. He said he knew the lights were out and told his boss......no one has fixed them yet (it is a company trailer). Well, I can't ticket the company, and it didn't seem right to ticket the driver.....he was incredulous that I didn't ticket him, his thanks seemed more sincere than most. Do I think he will tell his "buds" that he was treated OK?....Nope...just seemed the right thing to do at the time. I am going into withdrawal (I am eating my dinner right now)..oops, 30 minutes are up...gotta go. I am mad because I MISSED a good speeder, 54 in a 35 in a business district. He was zipping up the right lane passing several cars in order to get over into the left turn lane. He looked right at me with an Oh Sh*t look on his face, problem was....there were about 10 cars that had to go by before I could U-Turn and he got thru the 1st green and caught by the 2nd red. I would have had to cause more problems doing all my Whoopee, whoopee (technical jargon for siren) to catch him than he caused since as soon as he got over where he wanted...he slowed down. Y'all out there, unless you have done it, really don't have much of an idea of the details of the job. Open invitation, come ride along anytime.
I have not yet received my bond notice in the mail for this citation. I'm certain I'll just pay it. Yes, I probably did roll the red while turning right........I'm now noticing how often I do actually roll through reds when turning right. I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and it could happen to anyone. I guess I've really been lucky for the past 15-20 years ticket free. stooopid ticket.....crap-ola...sigh!
Well, they've already got that. If they have to take a competency test, like teachers do, then everything else would be taken out of their hands as well. They're public servants, let them be treated as such. In fact...how about the teachers write the test, set up the rubric, set the pay schedule, pensions, healthcare, etc? Turn about is fair play....right?
I'm sorry, but did you ever say that you were elegible for Traffic School? It's extra bux in the beginning, but at least it won't reflect on your insurance.
I wish I had the power to do that with my job too. Of course, we live in the real world and our elected chuckleheads don't.
There was a running gag in Pogo, decades ago (anybody actually remember Walt Kelly and Pogo?) that the president should have to take a sanity test. I've always thought that was a good idea. We could apply it to governors and mayors, too, and legislators at all levels. Make all aspirants to public office prove that they are sane. Probably none of them could. I don't think any of our recent presidents would pass. Of course, I recognize the problem: Nobody who is sane would ever want to be president. State Senator, maybe, but certainly not president. Douglas Adams put it another way: "Nobody who wants to be president should ever be allowed to be."
Let's say a kid runs in front of your black Prius, totally the kids fault nothing you could do, but you hit him and injure him. But since you chose a black Prius instead of a white Prius which he might have noticed better, does that make it more your fault? Suppose you had taken the accident avoidance class from Skip Barber or Bob Bondurant, you might have been able to avoid him and not injure him. Does that make it your fault since you chose not to take those available courses even though the law says you don't have to? [snapback]212843[/snapback][/quote] Uh, no, that would be the kid's fault. The law applies a 'reasonable person' standard. Your examples would not be things that a reasonable person would expect of the driver of the car. Running a stop sign in order to run over the kid is an utterly different case.
It isn't the hands on the wheel that is as much of a concern as it is eyes on the road! The whole "right on red thing" is of special concern to me as I am a frequent pedestrian. People don't look, they just roll right through that turn and don't even see me and my beautiful doggie. I always hope to have a poopy bag in my hand but it never seems to happen that way.