This is the same sound file that was posted to PRIUS C 2013 Two - Click noise | PriusChat and same issue discussed at Acceleration with electric engine, clicking noise | PriusChat khurra says they are not referring to the VPNS. I'm not familiar with the clicking noise I don't think, however it sounds like the recording is taken from outside the vehicle, possibly by holding a phone out the window. For me with a right-hand drive c with no VPNS my positioning and perspective is quite different, so it could be misleading to me.
I hear this noise too all the time and wondered what it is. I think this is the noise the OP is talking about. The car makes this noise when you first open the driver's door and also when you're braking and almost to a complete stop. It's not the electric motor that drives the car nor the whine of regeneration. It sounds like a smaller electric motor turning something as if readjusting something or even a small air compressor. It happens, i think, every time I come to a complete stop.
thanks for the response guys. i guess we at least have it documented if it turns out to be something big down the line right?
correct on the recording method. it comes the left hand side of the vehicle (driver side), right by the wheel. a little further into the engine block.
Pri make plenty of clicks and whirs while driving, and often when it isn't even on, including the vapor recovery system check 5 hours after you turn it off. Agreed on this one, that low multi-tone hum/flying saucer noise that is heard when everything else quiets down in the clip is distinctly the VPNS (vehicle proximity notification system, or noise maker to warn people that your ninja quiet car is actually moving).
I've got the noise also. OK the noise sounds when I first open the door. Before I even put the key in the ignition, nothing turned on. After a short time it stops. Then if I exit the car and re-enter, no noise. All this without putting the key in the ignition or turning anything on. What is your guess as to the source of the noise? 2013 Prius C2 Only options are Moonglow color and floor mats. John
i don't think the op is referring to the flying saucer pedestrian sound, but the actual click, which i don't think i've ever heard when driving. there might be a click along with the misc. 'robot cow' noises the car will make while parked, but this sounds like its happening exactly at the point of beginning acceleration. i'll keep my ears open next time i'm out!
The sound is before driving or starting the car. Peter, Paul & Mary describe it as they sing the song "The Marvelous Toy". John
I don't know the source of it, but I notice it sometimes as well and I know why it makes the noise. The reason it only makes the noise once because it is related to the vehicle preparing to be started up, getting ready to be put into ready mode, its assumes when you open the door that you are about to get in and start the vehicle.
Could it have anything to do with the brakes? Do we have some sort of power assisted brakes? If so, it may need to charge a pressure reserve before we start the car (If in EV mode the ICE wouldn't start). Just a thought. Anyone know if/how the power brakes work? John
Guess what? The power assist on the brakes is driven by a 12V pressure pump. My guess is that when you open the door the car turns on the 12V pressure pump to insure the Power assist for the brakes is fully operational, even if the ICE doesn't start. I think the whirling noise when you first open the door mystery is busted. John