We are only one week in to owning our 2006 Prius,,, love it! Question is why does it sound like a motor whirring sound after turning it off? It only lasts 20 to 30 seconds,,, just wondering if this is a normal sound? Thanks.
You are hearing the engine coolant heat recovery pump and this is normal. This pump will frequently run when the car is first started and when it turns off. The purpose of the pump is to move hot coolant to and from the coolant heat recovery canister which is a thermos container that stores ~3-4 quarts of engine coolant. This is supposed to shorten engine warmup time, thus reducing emissions produced during warmup.
Lots of new noises. Next time you get in the car before you start it push the brake pedal a few times. That will activate the brake vacuum pump. Sounds like a rattlesnake behind the dashboard. You will hear that noise alot too.