I was planing to rent a 12 or 16 foot Penske truck to bring my MIL stuff to Florida from California but it was dropped due to her health issue & she'll probably stay in California for a while longer. (It's a good thing because I wasn't looking forward spending money on gas, probably $1,000+ since it gets about 10 MPG!!!!! ) Now I'm still going to Florida for my friend's wedding...I'm planning to drive from Sacramento to Albuquerque to visit friends there for few days before I fly to Austin to visit family then fly again to Florida for wedding. After the wedding is done I will then fly direct to Albuquerque before driving my back back to Sacramento. (this is total of 2 1/2 weeks much needed vacation from delivering mail ) The longest "Road trip" is between Sacramento and San Francisco I ever took my 2012 Prius C2 I wanted your feedback for anything (trip route, advices, weather-wise, etc...) ***I will be driving alone with 1 mid-size luggage I would leave November 8th to Kingman, AZ by driving south on I-5 past Bakersfield then east on CA-233 passing Arvin then east on CA-58 going thru Mojave & Barstow. I will then take I-40 east to Ludlow and take historic U.S. 66 before getting back to I-40 near Needles and onwards to Kingman, Arizona to stay overnight. Next morning I was contemplating either taking historic U.S. 66 from Kingman to Seligman to continue the rest of the way to Albuquerque via I-4o or simply take I-40 all the way. Now for Mid-to-late November, I will then propose to drive nearly non-interstate routes from Albuquerque to Sacramento. First is taking north on US 550 to Farmington then US 64/491 to 4 corners monument. I will then drive via UT-162 to Monticello and continue north on US 191 passing Moab to I-70. I-70 west to Salina and take US 50 all the way to Sacramento via Delta, UT, Ely, NV (overnight), America's Loneliest Highway between Ely and Fallon, Nevada and downhill via South Lake Tahoe, Placerville into Sacramento. I'm not really fond of driving on the interstates all the time as I like to explore on side roads. I'll probably drive 60-65 on most of my trip (lower if speed limit is lower on local/side roads). Oh yeah, according to AAA Fuel Calculator, roundtrip probably would cost me $140-150 in gas for my Prius C!!!) Any advices on anything (routing, weather, dangers, headsups, interesting spots to see, and unique food to try at local restaurants). I hope I get good gas mileage out of this round trip journey! Thanks in advance! Mikey the Mailman
Just give yourself some flexibility on dates because you could catch some serious delays due to snow, especially in the mountains. Carrying chains might be a good idea. Otherwise, it looks like it will be a fun trip.
Nevada Northern Railway Reservations If you are there on a day it is running the polar express in Ely Nevada is cool. Engine 93 Steam Trials Historic Attractions of Ely, Nevada and White Pine County.
safe trip and don't get lost exploring sideroads...too many people get lost doing that and it'll be winter, so since your a valley guy and probably not seen much snow...just have some emergency stuff/rations ready just in case also I think CA outlawed tire chains, so bring some cable chains or whatever the other legal options are
in winter you should carry an emergency kit. I have some warm blankets or sleeping bag. some 30 min road flares(good to start fire just in case) some spam or other high calorie food. dont forget water I carry a box, but I have a large family and it is always getting used. a flash light the LED kind. and yes a proper set of tire chains for your car. I always get the quick fit type they are much easier to put on and they work well if needed. one family I know stopped and bought a larg bucket of chicken at KFC before going over the pass between oregon and redding california. everyone on the interstate south got stuck due to a wreck and heavy snow they were there over night. It is now a tradition they always get a big bucket of chicken before heading over the pass in winter time. Some advice don't trust your GPS on side roads. often in winter or even fall there is snow and they don't clear it so if it is snowing don't use roads that might be seasonal. one time I used my new GPS to get around some construction the reroute was supposed to be 5 miles over this hill and catch the freeway at the next exit on the freeway. I thought why not. this new technology is cool. I followed the GPS instructions exactly it just kept telling me when to change roads after what seemed like a lot more than 5 miles I was on a small gravel road. that I had to roll rocks out of the way to go down. finally I had enough sence to turn around I just pushed the go home button on my new gadget. that is when my GPS went blank. I had 4 children with me it was summer. but I still got a little sick in the stomach. I was able to find my way back because I was able to remember the turns but if it was dark or snowing it could have been real bad. a couple of years ago a family got stranded 60 miles south of here I think it was thanksgiving. They missed the hwy to the coast and decided to take a shortcut using their GPS. The road is not a small road but it is not maintained in the winter. They got stuck way up this road. they turnd around and were going back, they ended up on a side road and got stuck again. The family stayed at the car for 3 days they tryed to stay warm ended up burning all their gas, the spare tire then he decided to go find help. he took yet another shortcut, knowing there was a highway and the river below him. it ended up being much further than he thought he got wet in a stream and was very cold. His family wife and I think two small children were rescued very cold and hungry. He was found later I don't want to depress you with this story. but be carefull, stay with the herd of cars and enjoy your trip.
Thanks Xraydoug! It is indeed scary and should be advised to others to prepare for anything! I plan on bringing 24 bottles of water, a blanket, pillow., 20 cans of beans... Scratch that!!! I don't want to stink up my car! I already have very strong LED light in my glove compartment (The one you don't want to test in the car without putting on sunglasses!!!!). I don't have GPS but do have iPhone and if all else fails, a 2013 USA Road Atlas...the one that comes with paper! Being a mailman brings sense of directions, then again, I'm pretty good with night stars as well. Oh yeah, I definitely check the weather forecasts for my routing that and the next day so I can make some adjustment if needed.
Thanks SwhitePC. I don't plan extreme sideroads...mostly along well-traveled roads like U.S.-signed roads with some state maintained roads too I've seen and driven in snow even while delivering mail in different states. I know every snowfall are different and I do hope there's no snowfall during my trips
Sounds interesting...It looks like I might have to skip this because my arrival in Ely would be in the evening and depart early the next morning , Thanks JimboPalmer
LOL LOL!!! I'm good! As a matter of fact last week I took my son to Seattle last week for his Spring Break with my Prius C! Right now I am heading to Grand Canyon then New Mexico again! Absolutely love my Prius C! (It's fast approaching 30k!!!!)
Glad to hear you made it out alive. These little cars are really great. I really like mine also. I only put 4k on mine. I am looking forward to summer when my mpg increases.