Has anyone had to replace a led headlight on your Prius. If so how many months and miles did you have on your car. Thanks
What ^^ said. your Prius Three has halogen headlights, not LED nor HID. The Prius Five (V for 2010) has LED headlights, not HID. That being said, the LED headlights in the Gen III have a 15 year lifespan.
our car has 60,000 miles on it have not had to replace any of the lights but then again I don't always drive with the lights on so it really depends on your use as to length of life.
HIDs are generally good for 5,000 hrs of mostly continuous use, much shorter if intermittent use. LEDs are generally good for 50,000 hrs of use, but dimmer toward the end. Halogens are typically good for 1,000 hrs, but depends on voltage, shorter with voltage higher than 12.0V. 1,000 hrs is 60,000 miles of driving at hwy speeds.
My 2005 HID bulbs are working good ever since I bought it at 2008(used). And I believe the bulbs are the original pair. Still sable and bright. Really white(4100K), factory spec.