I am also deciding whether or not I want to go with shark fin or another alternative. I took a picture of the plug for my antenna (2013 Prius Three) so if the plug fits, I dont see why you wouldnt be able to use it. The bottom side is only connected by a bolt.
Looks promising . . . I hope there is a way to find out if this would work besides just buying one and trying it out.
Attention K Mart Shoppers. For $125 dollars and some effort, why not keep what you have. The factory antenna is short and not that visible. Something I can live with. Not trying to stifle creativity.
Unfortunately, I already put everything back together :-S but from what I remember there isn't anything special underneath it. The antenna is held in place by a bolt
Are you talking about replacing the radio antenna or adding a NAV antenna? That eBay antenna in the first post is a NAV receiver antenna that picks up satellite signals, no FM radio signals. If your talking about the FM radio antenna, I changed mine with a shorter 3" antenna which functions excellent and looks much nicer than the stock antenna but way less cost than the shark fin antenna. Mike
Was looking to replace the FM, yea I saw that it was GPS wasn't sure how they were different just like the low profile. So I took your suggestion and ordered a 4" replacement antenna. The shark fins were too bulky for me. Thought about painting the base of the antenna to match the car but I am sure I will just leave it as is. Thanks
If that 4" antenna is the same design as mine, you'll be very happy with the performance and look. I believe I paid 13 bucks shipped for mine back in the spring of 2012. Well worth the money spent. Mike
I would check eBay. The Priuschat Shop has them also: Shark Fin Antenna for 2012-2014 Toyota Prius Plug-in - PriusChat Shop Mike
Is this antenna able to stay on while going through a car wash? When they take mine off they always put it back on finger tight. This has led to a loss of two antennas.