New York City Is Getting Wireless EV Chargers Disguised as Manholes | Autopia | I am glad folks are thinking about this.
What are the odds in NYC that you'll be able to park in one particular spot any time you come around?
What ... the grid in CA isn't crappy enough? ... now you wana piss away a 15% loss, just so we can be cool - but have more brown outs? Hope you got a back up plan, next time everyone turns on their AC at the same time. .
When was the last time there was a brown out in CA? As I recall, it was >10 years ago when we had the last rolling outages. Mike
funny, a few years back, animals were being electrocuted by boston manhole covers. somehow the underground lines were reaching the covers.
It must be nice to live in silicon valley - with a dissimilar power provider scenerio to the major (LA / OC / SD counties) portion of California population. Unfortunately, one person's power is not the same as all others: Southern California hit by major power failure - TODAY News - Google can be your friend. You'll find there are lots of mini brown out areas that you may never even realize. In addition, folks who sign up for "Air Conditioning OFF" power structure/payment scheduling around this area ALWAYS get their AC shut off when they need it the most ... 90+ degree weather. Do you think the utility companies set this structure up for fun? ... or because the grid is that fragile. Not trying to rock your world, but one of the electrical engineers in our plug-in group down here is in charge of grid control. His stories about how thin the margin difference is between grid up vs. grid down .... it's sobering. .
I guess I stand corrected. But, um, if you signed up for the AC off program when did you think they would shut it off...when it is 72 outside? I totally agree that wireless charging is a waste. Especially in your garage when you'll probably be charging for 1 - 8 hours. And just a few minutes over a "manhole" isn't enough power to make sense to me. Mike
We produce enough PV surpluss to charge & run the house and have a tad left over. So we don't need the cheep rates that the AC shut down program provides. But the folks that use it around here tell me the utility company does give you a sizable break in rate structures, if you're willing to take the hit of no AC on hot hot days.