I got gas today in Marks, MS for 3.049, but if i had been brave enough to make it to Clarksdale, MS 2.989
That is interesting. I assume Houston is EPA ReFormGaso so that is probably lowest price for RFG. Here we have $3.27 for RFG, but sub $3 in outlying areas which probably do not need RFG.
Today, oil prices were down hovering around $100/barrel. Around southeastern Masachusetts the price for 87 octane is averaging $3.45/gal
Filled up today at $4.89 a gallon($1.25/liter) in Langley, BC. Keep in mind 38 cents per liter of that price is just taxes. Fuel taxes vary by province and city of course. Montreal being the highest taxed gas at ~70 cents per liter i believe. So before tax, $4.89 is technically only $3.40 a gallon here in Vancouver. How do the fuel taxes compare in the USA?
We pay 18.5 cents Federal and State tax varies from 8 cents (AK) to about 50+ cents (CA). I just got gasoline in North Virginia for $3.26 so that is about $2.91 before tax. We have 18.5 cents Fed + ~10 cents State + 6 cents local tax = 34 cents about My area is close to national average gaso price so there must be cheaper places.
Correct me, but I think CA taxes + Fed taxes somewhere around 72 cents/gal so you are approx. $3.05 before taxes. That's a bit higher than here right now ($2.91 before tax).
You're absolutely right. what i meant was, at $3.77/gal the price is Lower compared to other parts of California, especially the coastal side. Acceptance is key, living here in CA means We will always pay more than other 49 states. and you know what the irony is.. WE have Oil Fields here.
$2.99 yesterday in Cherry Hill, NJ. Lowest price we saw at the places we go. This was for TopTier.com major brand and should be EPA reformulated gasoline/cash price (but we used our gasco credit card and got $2.99). $23 fill-up in Prius!!! This would say South Jersey before tax price is $2.66/gal for TopTier/EPA RFG. Back home in NoVA we are about 10-cents higher, which is reasonable, but suggests we are paying ~10-cents more to the gasoline wholesalers than South Jersey, for the same quality stuff. NoVa=NJ taxes at this price point.
Check me but NC has 38 cent NC tax so you are paying 57 cent/gal tax so you are $2.55 before tax non-RFG ...TX has 20 cents so you are $2.45 before tax and that may be RFG not sure...