White Package #9 Prius Raffle $100 tickets

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by drbob, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. drbob

    drbob New Member

    Apr 7, 2004
    Northern Michigan
    I mentioned this a while back when we weren't sure of our vehicle details, but now that it's finalized I'll mention it again.

    Our local catholic school holds an annual fundraising event and raffle. This year's grand prize winner has a choice of prizes that includes a 2004 Prius (white, #9) plus $10,000. There are 5 thousand dollar winners in addition to the grand prize, as well as 3 early bird drawings of $500 each.

    Tickets are $100 each with 1,250 available. I wanted to get the word out ASAP because the first early bird drawing is on July 1st. The raffle winners are drawn on September 25th.

    For all of the raffle details you can visit http://www.bishopbaraga.com/BBIndex.html and click on Grand Raffle.

    By the way, I love my Prii but did not influence the raffle committee to choose this as one of the prize vehicles. When they visited the car dealer they were informed that the Prius was what is hot and in demand right now.
  2. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Can any of us place a bid on the Prius?

  3. drbob

    drbob New Member

    Apr 7, 2004
    Northern Michigan
    What we have done in the past is taken sealed bids on the vehicles. The highest bidder will close the deal at the car dealership. Monies over what we are billed from the dealer are profit for the school. If someone is interested in bidding I'd tell them to just bookmark the raffle information and to obtain a bid sheet closer to the date of the draw. I wouldn't want someone who's on a waiting list to put in an early bid and then have to pull it because they were able to obtain their dream Prius sooner than expected.

    Locals can attend the preview event on the evening before the drawing (the 24th of Sept.) and get a bid sheet then. If there's interest from nonlocals it would probably be easiest to see about having a printable form online that can be mailed in. That would have to happen after the minimum bid has been set.