Must not be that close or he would not have teased us. Should be good for a 20-25 cent decrease at the pumps though!
Positive spin and hype. Rove has put everyone in Election Mode after lots of griping by House Republicans (and wannabes), begging for something positive to talk about. Bush doesn't do technology OR late-breaking news. He's the Spinner-In-Chief.
Maybe he is going to put a man on the moon. If you remember, he thought that was a good idea not long ago. Maybe two tin cans and a string. Can't wait to see how this will change our lives. (He should tell everyone to buy a gas...less pollution). :blink:
Bush has extremely talented speech-writers. But his actions seldom conform to his promises. Remember the guy who said, "You shall know them by their deeds"? I put no credence in Bush's words. Let's see some action. But I'm not holding my breath.