When I returned from lunch today, I noticed that my bumper was puffed out near the rear left wheel. I pressed on it and it popped into place. I bought my car in 11/09. Are the clips going bad already that hold it into place? Is there anything that I should do or be concerned about.
Perhaps you hit something like a cat and they popped? Or perhaps cooling and heating might have done that. Probably wouldn't hurt to stop by the dealer and let them know.
I don't think any impact did this. Heating is plausible, its in the high 90s now and we had a cold winter (for us). I was wondering if anyone else is having problems. I'll let the dealer know on the next oil change. I just don't think they will do anything unless I know more, it looks fine right now.
Did you ever resolve this? My car has the same symptom. The dealer says that a plastic clip is bent and cannot be fixed. They claim the cause was probably a very small collision that left no dent or scratch, and so it's not covered under warranty.
I replaced the upper clip on mine after I damaged it removing the bumper. Unfortunately it's an integral piece of a part that costs about $40 + maybe 30 minutes labor because (IIRC) the bumper needed to come 1/2 off the car to replace the piece. If there is no dent or scratch, then you can claim it was a part failure and possibly get it replaced under warranty by insisting.
If it is still covered under warranty and you are confident that it wasn't hit, don't take that song and dance, talk to the manager of the place and if that doesn't work, call Toyota Customer Care.
Mine pops out on the right side. I can pop it back in, but it pops back out after driving. I took off the bumper cover, and the big plastic clip looks fine. Has anyone had luck replacing this clip and having it work even though it looks fine?
The same thing happens to my rear driver's side and front passenger side. Each go back into place when I tap it with the palm of my hand then pop back out after I drive down the road. Really wondering if anyone has been able to fix this on their own- if yes then please let us know how to do it. Thanks!!!
I had the clip replaced, still have the problem, the part on the bumper itself must be damaged. For some reason I'm glad I found this thread, thought I was the only one with the problem. The body shop suggested glue, I passed.
I bought my '10 w/43000 miles and the left rear is doing the same. I can push it back in, but the next time I look at it, it's popped out about a 1/16" again. Will be watching for a fix.
Driver side part # 52576-47020 and passenger side # 52575-47020 these are the rear bumper retainer I ordered the driver side for my car found it on eBay for 40$ SPH-L900 ?