How do I go about finding a gas station that sells E0 gas? Everywhere I've seen here in Utah has (may contain up to 10%) E10. Maybe I need to look harder? John
You are absolutely right. I just want to try a tank or two to see what MPG my C2 is capable of achieving. (For bragging rights) It can't cost that much extra for only a tank or two. John
Do you have a theory on whether it will gain or lose MPG? All I know about E0 fuel is that I run it in my VMAX to keep it cleaner and supposedly it doesn't gain as much water content if it sits.
In theory, E10 should be 3% less fuel efficient than E0. In my area, E0 is 9% more expensive than E10. (and you would have to drive further to find it) If you try to test this, I recommend having someone else buy the gas so you have no idea which is which. (besides, free gas!)
^ Good points, but I'm always interested in seeing whether or not people in the real world see any difference between E0 and E10. Spoiler Alert! I didn't see much difference. Oh yeah....if alcohol is hygroscopic then wouldn't it absorb water in the fuel system??? I'm curious since I have two M/Cs (06 VRSCD, 09 VN900D) and I haven't been convinced by "experts" that E0 is any better than E10 for these bikes. YMMV!
My understanding is that any fuel with Ethanol has less energy content then if it didn't have the Ethanol added. So I would like to see if it matters. I do expect to have slightly better MPG with E0 although the cost may not warrant using it. (I E: I still expect it to cost lest / mile using E10). But if I can establish boasting rights for getting 75MPG it would be worth the cost of a couple of fill-ups with E0. Maybe I'll even make it into the 500 miles / tank club. John
I've noticed a difference when I get non ethanol fuel in PA on road trips. Not huge increases but increases. Like most I won't go out of my way for it and yes, it's not worth the extra fee if there is a large one. Though I do it when I am there because I like corn on my plate, not in my tank. I wish, though it will not happen, they stopped this ethanol in our gas stuff.
In my 32 mpg averaged Saturn, I was seeing a 5% difference in MPGs whenever I used E0 vs E10. This was through multiple tanks.
I've never put E10 in my c, always E0. This week I happened to take notice of the price difference - here E10 was 1.4% cheaper than E0. Yeah, no thanks.
E10 attracts moisture in the fuel system... which becomes ice in the engines, overnight during the winters here. Octane 91 E0 gas gives me about 4%-5% higher fuel economy compared to Octane 87 E10.
E10 actually prevents fuelline freeze. HEET is nothing more than a shot of ethanol. E10 has made fuel line antifreeze obsolete. SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 ? 2
if for any reason i cannot use E0 in my tank, I try to find a Chevron station. Their gas gives good fuel mileage as well.
Neither is correct. cleanliness is function of the station and water absortion doesn't vary much with gas composition and the amount of ethanol isn't enough to matter. The amount of water is more often the function of the station as well; pure water is a result of water introduced not absorbed. Its why most independent gas stations get gas from suppliers who get it from the tanks with the lowest levels, The brands get itfrom storage tanks with the highest levels. Wouldn't you if was your brand?
Cleanliness agreed to a point. Ethanol is added at filling stations. Since no Ethanol is added to E0, it would be arguably be cleaner. So are you saying Ethanol doesn't attract water?
Well the stations that I had been using for ethanol-free gas now have ethanol in them. So, I have no idea where else to go for ethanol-free gas other than boating stations and airports. I'm a lot more concerned with what kind of damage the fuel will do to my hybrid. 1. Which fuel would be better for the car (do less damage): Octane 87 E10 or Octane 91 E10? 2. What can I add to the fuel to "dry out" the fuel and/or to protect from parts getting damaged by the ethanol?
Relax. The sky is NOT falling......and 10% ethanol is NOT damaging any part of your car. It just simply is NOT. The car was designed to use E10. It does so very nicely. And have you not been reading any of the threads on here about the waste and futility of thinking that higher octane so-called "premium" fuel is somehow better in a car that does not need it ?? If your car routinely sits for months without going through a whole tank of fuel, use some Stabil. Otherwise find something else to obsess about. Ethanol is NOT the work of the devil. In places like Brazil, for instance, millions of cars do billions of miles on fuel that is E80 to E100.