Since the installation of the new board format, the option to show "posts since my last visit" does not work for me. The displayed count in my "User Info" window was set to (0) by logging out and logging back in. However, the page I access when I click the "new posts" number has 66 topics across two pages. I have seen all of the topics and read over half of them. How do I get the page to display only those posted since my last visit? Thanks, Gene
Me too! Also the profile information did not all transfer and my efforts to correct it have not worked. Looks like Danny has a few loose ends to clean up in his spare time.
What profile information are you referring to? The "View Posts Since Last Visit" # is now the actual # of posts since the last time you were on the site, instead of the total # of posts you haven't read yet. When you click that link it should show all of the posts that you haven't read yet. If it shows you posts that you have read, try clicking the Forum button on the toolbar and then go back to see your unread posts. Hopefully that will fix it for you.
The gender info did not transfer and any change to the profile does nothing. Also what happened to the spell checker?
Strange, I believe my gender information was transferred over. I apologize for any inconvenience. Remember when changing things in your profile to always hit "Submit" before going to another tab or part of your profile. I wish it would carry all of the information you changed and only made you hit "Submit" once, but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. Let me know if that fixes your problems.
I'm getting a huge number of 'unread' posts, stretching back for days, despite not seeing them that way before. My count of posts since last visit was 4, but every post with a yellow sticky identifying it as unread is listed too, 3 pages worth. When I read one, the yellow sticky does go away. Shouldn't the yellow sticky be linked to my last visit too, or will all unread posts now be unread forever? If there's a setting I need to change, please advise...
Ditto. I've logged out and back in again, get a low number of new posts, but have 3 pages to view. I've tried clicking the Forum link and back to View posts since last visit, but no change.
I tried to explain the new system here: If you still have questions, let me know.
OK, so now I have to click the clear-all link before I go to only see new posts listed when I come back. Not hard, just annoying, like how Prius-2G changed the default posting option from group to email. However, as a programmer I can't see why they couldn't still link the accurate count of posts since last visit to the updating of the read/unread status. I don't read everything, but would like the same functionality we used to have where if I skipped a post, it was ignored next time I came back. Thanks...
This feature is now behaving erratically. It was working earlier today, but now it's broken again. Just now, I logged in, viewed-posts-since-last-visit, and visited each topic. Then I logged out and logged back in again. The left nav displays "View posts since last visit (2)", but, if you click on the link, then you see 7 topics. That is not a feature. That is broken. It's a bug.
Although the "posts since last visit" option correctly shows the number of posts since my last visit, when you select it, it shows all of the posts since I last manually pressed the "mark all as read" button. There's also a seperate issue where I tried to upload some photos, and it said I was over a 2mb quota (can't easily identify where the space is already being used) and it refused to do it. [update] Ah, okie - suppose I should've read the rest of the thread first. I really prefer the old way of doing things because I generally skim the messages for the ones I'm interested in reading in one sitting. Anything I don't read is a message that isn't important to me. Would it be possible to add an option to toggle this behaviour so it's either "show all unread messages since last login", or just "show only new messages posted since last login"? Dave
Unfortunately, I think the short answer to your question is no. I just don't have the technical ability to try and program it both ways. I have added a "Mark All Forums Read" link to the "View Posts Since..." page so that it would be easier for you to read what you want, then mark the rest as read so they don't pop up the next time you log in. I hope that is helpful. I'll check into the photo issue. Thanks for the feedback.