I just purchased a 2012 Prius with a solar panel. I do not have the AC on very often, but do run the vent while driving. I have noticed that sometimes when I get in the car the vent is already running before I turn the car on. Is this the solar panel running the vent to help keep the car cooler? Thank you for any help!!!
There is a switch on your left below the level of the steering wheel. As I recall it's the centre one of three. If it's -slightly- in the solar panel will run the fan to exhaust the hot air in the car. It won't run if it's not hot enough. It won't run if the car is turned on (in "ready"). It won't start for 10 min or so after you turn off the car.
Thanks for the help, my salesman had me confused as he said the solar panel turned on the AC intermittently but now I see it just turns on the vent. The AC can be turned on remotely with the fob.
Got to love those honest, well trained salesmen. The solar panel powers the fan to the ventilation system, it circulates air if activated and the panel has access to enough sunlight. It never powers the AC. The remote AC option is really just a separate addition to the package. A good salesman should of known this.
I'm not sure where those "good salesmen" are at. Around here you count yourself lucky if a salesperson is able to pick out a Prius in the lot, much less tell you how it works.
Had to laugh about the salesman jokes. Yesterday I asked mine (the one who never has an answer to any of my questions) if the prius 10 was a second or third generation. You would think everyone in sales would at least know that answer if nothing else. Not this guy. My idea of a good car salesperson is someone who has read the manual a few times, knows as much as possible about the models and doesn't wear cheap smelly cologne among other things..Mine failed all of the above.