Hello, does anyone have the instructions for installing the bug deflector on a 2010+ Prius that they can upload? For some reason, I did not get any with mine. Thanks
When you get instructions and install it, could you post picture? I plan to drive to Alaska next summer and have been told bugs and rocks will both be problems. Altho I may build a rock screen/bug deflector combo on the front of my Prius, I want to see what your bug deflector looks like as an alternative.
I've often wondered about the (in)effectiveness of these devices. I had one that was much more substantial on a '96 Pathfinder. The hood wasn't sloping like the Prius' either, the hood was quite square and level on top, and it did almost zero in keeping bugs, etc. from getting on the windshield. I think these devices, especially in an application where the hood and fender slopes up from the device are mostly cosmetic and for peace of mind with little actual benefits.
Am worried about exactly that. But the "screen door on front of car " approach I am designing may be surpassingly ugly and increase wind resistance noticeably, so I really want to examine the traditional alternatives.
I didn't keep mine, sorry. Even with the instructions, I figured out that it would have been smart of me to make a template. Because I didn't and my measurements were off just a smidge, I ended up having to 'customize' the location of the holes in the deflector to match up with the holes in a couple of the mounting brackets.
Thanks for pic! It does maybe look like a nose and mouth would go with it! But seriously have you tried it in a heavy bug-density area and season like the Florida love-bug season? Does it really work? Do you still get bug strikes in that hood section right below the deflector? I assume it will not deflect rocks, right?
Sorry for the late reply.I haven't tried it in a high density bug area. I still get some bug (and gravel) strikes on the hood. It seems stout enough to deflect small rocks.
Seriously, thanks for info. Since I was advised by residents that the Alaskan Highway can involve dense bugs and frequent rock strikes , I am trying to install a wire mesh protector in front of my Prius just for that trip. Mileage will no doubt suffer, but I dislike the idea of chipped paint on our otherwise new Prius. Will post pics if I can make something that might work.