.... Except when going in for service. been a couple months since i built and installed clip-on board pic'd below for lightly resting my right lower leg while driving, using gas pedal (see in 1st pic?). I prefer having it in the car. Taking it out explains why I was futzing around end of last year and first 6 months of this year moving the seat a notch back, forward, up, down: Leg support a bit lacking .... Next time, no power seat, no buy. And at my 6'2" height, loong legs and arms, skip the faux midsize car and get real midsize. Over and out.
I have no idea what I'm looking at here. It's great to know that you really like it, but what the heck does it do.
Grab some 3M brand Command strips (adhere w/o leaving residue), stick 1/4" dense foam like Neoprene over the area. Local foam factory will have some. And yes, it's a thin clipped-on board mostly covered in foam and braced on both ends that I lightly rest my lower right leg on. Just not quite enough leg support without it. Otherwise my right knee would have an affinity (tendency to lay on) floating bridge.